Orbiston & Sacred Heart Nursery Blog

February 10, 2021
by User deactivated

Think Maths fun – are you up for the early years snow challenge?

Please share photos of your snow creation on our Twitter feed.

In nursery we talk a lot about shape; can we make a round shape; what shapes can we make with snow?

Size; do we need big/small, long/short, can we measure it?

Weight; is 1 part heavy & light?

We also love pattern; you could add scarves, hats, stones, leaves, twigs,, just about anything to decorate your creation.

January 26, 2021
by Mrs Harley (nee Kelly)

Home Learning

Hello everyone,

NHS Lanarkshire Occupational Therapy have shared some ideas to develop our skills at home. Whey not try some tasks and upload a picture.

Good luck

January 21, 2021
by Ms Nicoll

Spring Yoga

Hi boys and girls! I hope you’re having a fun week at home.

Today I’ve added some yoga poses for you to try at home to help you feel calm and relaxed. Once you are finished you can ask an adult to give you a foot massage while listening to some nice music.

1. Sun | Sun Salute or Extended Mountain Pose

Stand tall in Mountain Pose, look up, reach your arms up to the sky, and place your palms together.

Extended Mountain Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

2. Tree | Tree Pose

Stand on one leg, bend your opposite knee, place the sole of your foot on your inner thigh, and balance. Sway like a tree in the breeze.

Tree Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

3. Bird | Warrior 3 Pose

Stand on one leg. Extend the other leg behind you. Bend your torso forward and take your arms out in front of you to pretend that you are flapping your wings like a bird.

Warrior 3 Pose | Kids Yoga Stories

4. Rain | Standing Forward Bend

From Mountain Pose, bend your upper body, reach for your toes, and hang your arms like the falling rain.

Standing Forward Bend Pose | Kids Yoga Stories

5. Planting a Garden | Squat Pose

Come down to a squat and pretend to plant seeds in the garden.

6. Caterpillar | Locust Pose

Lie on your tummy with your arms stretched out front and inch along a leaf like a caterpillar.

Locust Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

7. Bee | Hero Pose

Come back to rest upright on your heels, buzz with your arms, and practice a humming breath.

Hero Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

8. Butterfly | Cobbler’s Pose

Sit on your buttocks with a tall spine, bend your legs, place the soles of your feet together, and gently flap your legs like the wings of a butterfly.

9. Flower | Flower Pose

Come to sit on your buttocks with a tall spine, lift your legs, balance on your sitting bones, touch the soles of your feet together, and weave your arms under your legs.  Pretend to blossom like a flower.

10. Relaxing in the Park | Resting Pose

Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched out. Breathe and rest.  Close your eyes and imagine the sights and sounds in the park.

Resting Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

I hope you enjoy and feel nice and relaxed after your yoga 🙂

Take care and hope to see you soon,

Miss Nicoll xx





January 21, 2021
by Miss McCormack

Hi boys, girls and family. I hope your all keeping well. I have a few activities to keep yous busy.  These are some of my favourite activities to do from home!

Let’s get messy ! 😁 

I hope yous can create some lovely artwork and hopefully show it to us soon! 

January 20, 2021
by User deactivated


Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.

Let’s play a shape game.

Can you look around your home and find different shapes. Perhaps a clock that is a circle, a light switch that is rectangular or your windows that could be square or rectangular. You could also be looking if you are outside for a walk. Once you find these shapes you could draw them and describe these to your family.

I hope you have fun finding all different shapes.

Mrs Cassidy



January 18, 2021
by Ms Nicoll

Story Bag or Basket

Good Afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all keeping safe whilst being off nursery.

The ladies miss you all lots.


Here is an idea for creating a story bag or basket so you can explore a new or a favourite story and the characters.

Ask an adult to help you choose a story and a small collection of props that will bring your story to life and stimulate your imagination!

The fun part is deciding what will go in your story bag to represent your characters and special moments in the book. Some ideas could be:

  • Soft toys
  • Farm/zoo animals
  • Little people/lego figures
  • small boxes
  • sticks/grass/wood
  • finger and hand puppets
  • visual aids, cards, calendar, pictures & coasters
  • Textured material
  • Mats, cloths, placemats.

Your adult can use these props with you to correspond to the story, enjoy a sensory experience, extend your learning and build on speech and language skills.

I hope you have lots of fun exploring your favourite stories using props!


Take care and hopefully see you all soon,

Miss Nicoll

January 18, 2021
by User deactivated

Play Dough

Hello to all our children from Orbiston and Sacred Heart Nurseries. I hope you are all well.

How about using this recipe and try making play dough at home? This will encourage numeracy skills by measuring, counting and colour recognition.

You will need;

3 cups of flour

1 cup of cold water

2 teaspoons of oil

Food colouring

Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl……keep kneading until the consistency is right (too dry add a little water, too wet and sticky add a little more flour)

You can even add vanilla or peppermint to make it smell lovely.

Have fun. Mrs Cassidy



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