Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the ideas and activities on the nursery blog.
Music is a fun way of learning by developing our listening and movement skills.
We have already made our own musical instruments so why not get moving today.
A good online resource is: www.abcearlyyears.org.uk this resource gives you free activities and I am sure the children will remember the moves from nursery.
A few ideas to get us moving;
- Freeze dance – get someone to help by playing music then you dance and when the other person stops the music you have to freeze until the music comes back on
- Make a band – use your instruments you may have already made or an instrument you can play and move around the room while playing
- Name that tune – ask an adult or sibling to guess the tune that you clap out, then take it in turns
- Dance – listen to your favourite songs and dance to the beat. If the beat is slow then you dance slow and if the beat gets faster then you follow the beat
- Dance with props – clear a space and turn the music up. Use different fun toys as props such as; hula hoops, bean bags, scarves, hairbrushes – and start dancing!
- Sing – choose a song to sing to your family or on your own
Have fun and remember music makes us happy!!!!!!
Mrs Cassidy