All posts by Mrs Campbell

House News!

This week, our Primary Seven pupils were asked to vote for children to become House Captain and Vice Captain.  They were asked to think of children who would be responsible and set a good example to others.  Congratulations to the winners!  Here are the results:

Douglas House:  Captain ~ Kerryn Foy  and Vice Captain ~ Michael Verrecchia

Scanlan House:  Captain ~ Matthew Bell and Vice Captain ~ Lucy Muir

Thompson House:  Captain ~ Natalie Jackson and Vice Captain ~ Mark Ross

Devine House: Captain ~ Emily Cuthbert and Vice Captain ~ Ewan Jeffrey

Gilmour House: Captain ~ Evan Murphy and Vice Captain ~ Ciara Scullion

Carey House:  Captain ~ Stephen McGill and Vice Captain ~ Weronika Kahl

And introducing our Eco Warriors…

Working with our Eco Committe, Mrs Tominey & Mrs Gillespie will be trying to get us all to recycle.  Helping them will be Dylan McBride, Abi Rodgers, Luke Gillespie, Ellie Hutchison, Brooke Rodgers, Mohammed Benbrika, Abbie Freel, Anna Cocozza, Keira Graham, Skye Rodgers, Megan Owens, Caris Hunter, Sophie Galloway, Verity Lowe, Ciaran Murphy, Matthew O’Neil, Matthew Bell, Morgan Brown, Eve Millar and Emma McMullen.

Our Enterprise Committee ~ under new management!

Miss Stack will taking leadership of our Enterprise committee this year and she has big plans!  She’ll be working with Carlina McCarthy, Matthew Munro, Emma Maughan, Sophie Benham, Grace McLaughlin, Liam McQuaid, Lauren Pentney, Martin Brooks, Wiktoria Gorska, Paul Welsh, Olivia Latimer, Daniel Inyang, Josh Barr, Keir McGarry, Max Ofori, Abigail McNally, Natalie Jackson, Nathan Welsh, Wiktor Witkowski and Robbie Whitfield.

Health Committee…

Mrs Loose will be working with the following pupils in our Health Committee:  Kian Scullion, Alexander McKay, Connor Swan, Samanta Sobczak, Diana Feenan, Eryk Koziol, Mark Gillen, Gabrielle Hindman, Sean Smith, Isla Waldie, Lucy Haggerty, Eilis McNally, Finn Ross, Keela-Chae McCreaddie, Niah Welsh, Joshua Brennan, Ebony Bollard, Erin Dobson, Tony Dryden and Alicia Brown.

CaFi Council…

Our CaFi Council, a joint committee with Firpark is led by Mrs Duffy.  Here are our CaFi council members:  Beverley Mackin, Imogen McFadden, Leah Farquharson, Hannah Gallagher, Paul Murphy, Kasia Kerber, David Nugent and Caitlin O’Neil.

Pupil Voice – Our new Pupil Council

Our new committees have now been voted for by our pupils.  The children from P4 – 7 are asked to nominate representatives for the committees:

Here are our new Pupil Council members:   Katie McLaughlan, Nathan Miller, Abbie Maughan, Reece Quinn, Amy Elkin, Stewart McBride, Erin Bonner, Jodie Ferguson, Erin McCann, Ryan McLellan, Lucy Tougher-Mitchell, Mark Fitzpatrick, Brendan Tierney, Kamila Prucnal, Aidan Beggs, Charles Masumbuko, Katie Cadenhead, Erin Doyle, Michael Verrecchia and Neve Connelly.

Welcome back everyone!

Welcome back everyone.  We look forward to seeing our Primary 2 – 7 pupils in the yard on Friday 16th August at 9.00am. We will welcome our new Primary 1 pupils a little later on, at 10.00am, in the dining hall.  We hope you all had a great holiday!

The Final Countdown…

Coming up – our final week of term:

Monday brings the final ‘Parent Council’ meeting at 7.00pm in the staffroom, and on Tuesday evening we hold the Primary 7 Leaver’s Disco.  Could we remind all parents of P7 pupils that the disco is from 7.00 – 8.30pm. All children must be collected by an adult an no child should bring a mobile phone or other ‘device’. Thanks in advance to our fab fundraisers for organising this event for our Primary 7 pupils.  On Thursday we have a live performance from Hopscotch Theatre group and we close at 1.00pm.  Please note this early closure and ensure your children are aware of any special arrangements.

More moving on!

On Friday of this week, we held our Leaver’s Mass and Ceremony.  Our eldest pupils were the focus for this final event in our school year and they did not disappoint!  Friday began with a beautifully celebrated Leaver’s Mass, concelebrated by His Lordship, Bishop Emeritus Devine, Fr Krzysztof, Fr King, Chaplain to Our Lady’s High School and also Fr Rafal, who is currently based in Cathedral Parish.  We were also joined by a large number of parents and friends of our school, not to mentioned representation from Our Lady’s and Taylor High Schools.  Also invited were representatives of our Lenten Charities.  This final Mass of the year was perhaps our nest to date, the participation of the children and in particular their singing, was a credit to us all!

After Mass, we presented our Lenten charity monies, almost £5000 going to charities both local and worldwide, once again demonstrating the generosity of our school community.  Following our charity donations, we moved onto our Graduation and Prizegiving and it was wonderful to see our children in this final event of the school year, they are definitely ready for Secondary school now!  Each child was presented with a dictionary, a Primary 7 year group photo and a Secondary school tie, donated from our fabulous fundraising group.

Thank you to all those who helped make this event a memorable day in the lives of our Primary Sevens.