All posts by Mrs Campbell

September has arrived!

Our term is moving on and we are now in the month of September.  Let’s hear what our ‘littlest learners’ have been up to this week:

Another very busy week at nursery! The children have been introduced to some of the new nursery Golden Characters that help them follow the nursery rules and routines. Look out for all of these animals next week.

Our new group activities are working well. All of the children have had the opportunity to do the following through these activities –

This week the children have been concentrating on their cutting skills in the snack area using knives. The children learn how to handle knives properly and practice slicing soft fruits and vegetables with them. The fruit and vegetables are then used for snack. The children choose the snack that they want to prepare and help to do this. The reinforcing of the snack routine continues, as does the roleplay in the home corner.

Outdoors the children have been following instructions while exploring an obstacle course with Miss MacMullen. During freeflow play, they have had the opportunity to play ball games to get to know each other and had great fun using the parachute. The children are getting used to listening and following instructions.

In the writing area they have been listening and discussing a variety of stories during group activity. They then have had the chance to draw and describe their own families, a selection of these has been displayed in the writing area. Please take time to look at them. The children have been making a list of their own rules which can be seen on the jungle wall in the nursery.

In the numeracy area the children have been sequencing the days of the week using the SmartBoard and the interactive game on the maths wall. They have also been exploring family puzzles and numbers and making their very own numberline. Watch out for this display next week.

In the art area they have been exploring gloop, making rainbow handprints again listening to and following instructions. They have also started to make the Jungle for our new Golden Characters which can be seen on the jungle wall in the playroom. They stuffed tights to make the vines and painted the trees using a variety of different sized brushes and used their handprints to make leaves. This display will continue to grow as each character is introduced.

On Friday each child received their Personal Plan home, please complete the 2 stars and a wish and return it completed to a member of staff.

ATTENTION – The cooking bus is going to be visiting the whole school week commencing 15/9/14 and there is a list in the cloakroom for any parents who are interested in taking part. This is a great opportunity and places are limited so please put your name down as soon as possible.

And now, what’s been happening in school?

On Tuesday of this week, we welcomed the SSPCA (Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in to the school to work with all our school children.  These annual workshops teach our children how to care for animals in our community.  P1 – 3 were gathered for an assembly, whilst P4 – 7 classes experienced workshops.  A great learning opportunity, and our visitors were most impressed by our children’s enthusiasm and excellent behaviour.

On Tuesday evening, we hosted our annual ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening and a huge thank you to all parents and carers who attended this event.  The evening provides an informal opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and view the classroom and resources.  Thanks also to those parents who attended the presentation on GIRFEC.

During the week, our P4 – 7 pupils have been involved in electing the class representatives for our pupil committees, or Pupil Voice.  In school we have a number of committees:   Pupil Council, Eco Committee, Health Committee, CaFi Council (with Firpark) and Enterprise Committee, as well as our Junior Road Safety Officers and Junior Librarians.  Pupils are elected by their peers to serve for one year and have the task of keeping our infant classes up to date with what’s going on.  Check back next week for details of who’s been elected and their plans for this year!

On Friday, despite the rain, our Friday Footballers were out training with Mr McBirnie, or Willie, the Football man!  Mr McBirnie is a volunteer who trains our children each week and we are grateful to the time he give to our children.

Next week we will have our first Fundraisers meeting of the year, on Wednesday 10th September.  Please come along, you will be made most welcome.  There are around 5 meetings per year, starting at 7.00pm for about an hour and new members are always welcome.

Thanks again for reading the Blog – we’d love some feedback, so please feel free to leave a comment.

Welcome to our new session!

A very warm welcome back to everyone in our school & nursery community. I am delighted to report we have all enjoyed a most exciting, successful first week back at school. It is a wonderful sight to see all 496 of our school pupils in full school uniform – long may this continue. Our 71 new Primary One pupils have settled in really well and have all been presented with a gift of a new school polo shirt from our wonderful Fundraisers. A great start to what looks to be a fantastic year ahead.

This coming Friday we have our first Mass of the year in school at 11.15am being led by our brand new P7 pupils. Please come along and join us in prayer to celebrate our wonderful school and nursery.

Each household should have received a copy of our main school events for the year ahead, please keep this close at hand (usually on the fridge door) to ensure you do not miss out on key components of our school year. Should you misplace this you can find all information on our school web site: To keep you fully informed of school and nursery personnel please see below a full list of all staff – new staff are highlighted in red.

Head Teacher:                       Mrs  M Shields

Depute Head:                         Mrs L Campbell

Depute Head (acting):         Mrs  M.C Duffy

P1a:                                           Mrs B McCoy – Principal Teacher

P1b:                                           Mrs S Murphy

P1c:                                           Mrs L Tominey

P2a:                                          Mrs K Loose – Principal Teacher (acting)

P2b:                                          Mrs M McDonald

P2c:                                          Mrs L Gillies

P3a:                                          Mrs C Gillespie

P3b:                                          Mrs J McDerment

P3c:                                          Miss S Love

P4a:                                          Miss C McAvoy

P4b:                                          Miss L Stack

P4/5:                                        Mrs J McCarthy

P5a:                                          Mrs D Blaney & Mrs S Devanney

P5b:                                          Miss N Mooty

P6a:                                          Miss N Lafferty

P6b:                                          Mrs J Carr

P6c:                                           Mrs J Murphy & Miss J Green

P7a:                                          Mrs N McLaughlan

P7b:                                          Miss S Kane

P7c:                                           Mrs L Irwin

ICT/Technologies:              Miss L Phee – Principal Teacher

Support Staff:

Mrs C Mellon:                        Classroom Assistant – P1a, P1b, P1c, P2a, P2b – Blue Base

Mrs K Stevenson:                  Classroom Assistant – P2c, P3a, P3b, P3c, P4a – Green Base

Mrs K Harrison:                    Classroom Assistant – P4b, P4/5, P5a, P5b, P6a – Purple Base

Mrs P McMillan:                    Classroom Assistant – P6b, P6c, P7a, P7b, P7c – Yellow Base

Mrs C Burns (Mon-Wed):    Classroom Assistant – Purple Base

Mrs M Lamb (Thurs&Frid): Classroom Assistant – Yellow Base

Additional Support Needs Assistants:

Ms Y Falconer:                       P1a

Mrs C Munro:                          P2a

Miss J Couper:                        P3b

Mrs J Rice:                              P4a

Miss J Kelly (11am-1.30pm):  P1b
Clerical Staff:

Mrs M Cunningham:          Office Manager

Mrs A Close:                           Clerical Assistant

Mrs M Docherty:                   Clerical Assistant

Mrs J Mitchell:                      Clerical Assistant

Nursery Staff:

Mrs D Keenan & Miss J Green:    Nursery Teacher

Mrs M M Murphy:                             Lead Early Years Practitioner

Mrs M Little:                                       Early Years Practitioner

Mrs S Imray:                                       Early Years Practitioner

Miss A McMullen:                             Early Years Practitioner

Miss A Adams:                                   Early Years Practitioner

And meanwhile, in the nursery…..

Last week was a busy week at nursery. We welcomed back our returning children who all looked fab after the long summer holiday and over the course of the week we welcomed some of our new recruits. The older children quickly took on the responsibility of being nursery buddies to the new children helping them settle into the nursery routine.  By the end of the week the settling in programme was well under way with the children starting to build relationships with their key workers and others in their group.  Most of the children have had their shoes painted so that they can easily identify their own soft shoes. The children chose their favourite colours and you can see from the picture how great they look!
Typical Scottish weather gave the children the opportunity to try out the new nursery waterproofs that the fundraising committee provided. As you can see this is a great addition to the nursery wardrope and the children can now explore outdoors in all weather.
The nursery garden was looking very overgrown after the holidays and the children got busy pulling weeds out and harvesting the lettuce and peapods they had planted on Groundforce day back in May. Mrs Imray found a caterpillar hiding in one of the peapods and the children were fascinated with it.
As the nursery week came to an end our new extended hours and routine was well under way. Just a reminder, our am session times are 8.40 – 11.50 and pm session is 1.00 – 4.10 pm.

The induction day for our next recruits will be on Wednesday afternoon. The letters have been issued and we are looking forward to meeting the children and their parents/carers.

    ‘Primary One, here we come!’

    As we move closer to the end of our term, our week has been full, yet again, of events and opportunities.  On Monday evening, our senior pupils were invited to the Welcome Mass in Our Lady’s High School, the first step in their induction week.  Our Primary 7 pupils who are transferring to Our Lady’s celebrated this Mass with Fr King and all other pupils joining S1.  During the Mass our instrumental children provided music for the Mass, a great honour indeed!  They did a marvellous job.

    The P7s spent Tuesday and Wednesday at OLHS and had a very exciting 2 days.  And of course, Mrs Donnachie, DHT for S1 contacted us to say our pupils were exemplary, as always!

    On Thursday, we welcomed a large audience for our annual Magical Musical Morning.  Our Primary 5 pupils performed with Mrs Wilkinson, our Percussion Club, Choir and Solo singers performed, as well as all our instrumental children including a performance from our fabulous band! What a wonderful platform for performance, with so many children playing instruments and singing, in fact a few parents commented on just how many children were involved!  Thanks must go to all those who work with our ‘musical children’…

    Mrs Wilkinson: Kodaly     Mr Woods: Brass     Miss Lang & Mr Fairley:  Saxophones

    Miss Allingham:  Strings Mrs J Murphy:  Clarinets & Solo Singers

    Mrs Campbell:  Flutes, Percussion Club, Band & Choir

    On Thursday afternoon, our school was asked to host the NLC Senior Management Briefing.  Our Primary 6 pupils were involved in welcoming visitors from all sectors of the Council and proved to be very efficient in their new roles!

    Friday brought another very busy day in school.  Mr McBirnie hosted an inter-house football tournament involving children from P5, 6 and 7.  Also assisting on the day were some 6th years from OLHS.  All involved had a great experience, being involved in almost 2 hours of physical education as the tournament progressed.  The winners of the tournament will be announced soon…

    However, the most momentous occasion this week took place as our nursery pre-5 children graduated in preparation for transferring to the ‘Big School’ in August.  Joined by many parents, grandparents and extended family, our pre-schoolers entertained us with their favourite songs and told us what they’d like to become when they grow up!  It proved to be wonderful event in the lives of our youngest pupils and showed just how much they’ve learned in their time in nursery.  There final song says it all, ‘Primary One, here we come!’

    And here’s the news from the nursery…..

    This week Fizzy Cole asked the children to come up with some ideas about how all the athletes coming to the Commonwealth Games would get to Glasgow. They decided that they could come by car, taxi, bus, train and aeroplane. This opened up a great discussion about transport. The children decided that they wanted to make an airport and a train for Fizzy to get to Glasgow. The children got busy and turned the house corner into an airport with the children making signs and tickets in the literacy area to use. They sang songs with a train theme and read stories about different sports. By the end of the week they were discussing holidays and telling detailed stories about their own holiday experiences. These can be seen displayed within the nursery.

    In the art area they made a train from recycled boxes and painted it blue and white like the Scotland flag. They continued drawing detailed pictures of Clyde the mascot. Clyde is becoming a very popular character with the children.

    In the numeracy area they continued positional games indoors and out, following arrows through a hockey course. The children are really enjoying using the hockey sticks to dribble round the obstacles.

    Outdoors they had the opportunity to get physical with the bikes and scooters. The staff are looking out for any budding Sir Chris Hoy’s in the making!

    On Wednesday Douglas from Hi Five for fruit and two students from Glasgow University visited the nursery and played name games and tasting names with fruit and vegetables. They discussed the importance of healthy eating and exercise. All children took part in this and Douglas was impressed with the children’s answers. Questionnaires have been issued to a selection of parents, please return these as soon as possible.

    The children have been role-playing journeys to different countries on the aeroplane that they imagined in the airport. So far the journey has taken them to London, Canada and Australia.

    On Friday the pre-school children all got a chance to shine on the stage during their graduation ceremony. They sang songs that linked with the learning over the last year. They were all absolutely fantastic and showed great confidence when they were interviewed by Mrs Shields. The response from both audiences said it all. Feedback from parents was extremely positive and they were all proud of their little stars of the show as were the staff. A great end to another fantastic week in nursery.

    Friday saw the distribution of our final reports in school and nursery.  Included in the reports is a feedback sheet for both parent/carer and child to complete.  Please return these to school as quickly as possible.

    As we move into our penultimate week in school, we prepare for our 3-day event.  As mentioned in our last newsletter, pupils should come to school wearing PE kit, yellow polo shirts, joggers/shorts and (yes…) trainers!

    Thank you again for reading our blog – please leave a comment!

    My Son Pinocchio!

    My Son Pinocchio was our school show which took place on the final week of last term. What a spectacular way to end a wonderful term. The show featured every child from P5, P6 and P7 and 31 members of staff from our school and nursery (maybe we’ll not spend too much time talking about the staff scene)

    The show was an overwhelming success, parents, grandparents and friends of our school who came along all commented most favourably. I never cease to be amazed at the talents and skills of the children in our school and their willingness and enthusiasm for sharing them with all.

    Mr. Andrew Sutherland, Executive Director of Learning & Leisure, came along to see our show; he was overwhelmed by the professionalism, the colour, the singing, the dancing and the confidence of our pupils (and so he should be!) His words following the show were:

    ‘That was truly excellent, I have never before seen a primary school show like that, fantastic.’

    This was Mr Sutherland’s first visit to our school – I’m sure it won’t be his last.

    Thanks also to the parents and grandparents who sought Mr Sutherland out to tell him what a great school we have, I am indebted to you for your support and your recognition of all the hard work ongoing in our school.

    Mrs Monica Donnachie, DHT OLHS said:

    ‘Please pass on my congratulations to all staff and p5/6/7 pupils. The young people are a credit to all of you.  The show was stunning and I really enjoyed the whole performance.  I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of planning and organisation that it must have taken to produce such a high standard of set, singing and acting.’

    Our school show is one of our proudest moments. Watch out for the next one coming 2016!!!!

    Every child from P5 to P7 gave 100% commitment to this show. They learned 27 different songs, they practiced routines, they participated throughout and most of all they supported one another with great camaraderie and team work. Almost every child gave up their usual evening activities to come along for the two evening performances, again fantastic commitment. I cannot praise them enough. Our children are a joy to work with, they are so vibrant and upbeat in their approach to new and exciting challenges. A most positive attitude to learning. Well done to each and every one of them.

    A huge thanks to all of our staff who bravely took to the stage, great fun but most of all, what a great example they set to our children. Once again our staff gave willingly of their own time to rehearse (yes, that really was rehearsed) and to come along and support our children at our evening shows. We are truly blessed with our staff, their talents and their dedication to our school.

    The show was directed and choreographed by Mrs Brenda McCoy. Mrs McCoy is an incredibly talented dancer and choreographer, she has the most original ideas for scenes involving huge numbers of children. A HUGE thanks to Mrs McCoy for all of her hard work.

    The scenery and ‘whale’ were the work of Mrs Julie McCarthy.  Mrs McCarthy is a skilled artist who has the most amazing vision. The scenery was magnificent and the whale was simply inspirational. Where else could you find someone who takes a set of tent poles, a piece of blue material, a pair of her daughter’s red tights, a balloon and some white card and create the most magnificent whale! Fantastic! A HUGE thanks to Mrs McCarthy for all of her work.

    Thanks also to our sound and lighting crew who illuminated the whole show.

    Enjoy the photographs….

    Glasgow Music Festival Success

    On Thursday evening, our Primary 5 & 6 Solo Singers performed in the Glasgow Music Festival.  Our Primary 5 singers, Diana Feenan, Imogen McFadden and Laura Findlay all sang ‘The Inchworm’ beautifully, with Laura being placed 3rd and Imogen and Diana placed joint 2nd.  Our Primary 6 girls sang ‘Omens of Spring’.  Lucy Thompson, Lucy Haggarty and Sophie Galloway all sang well, with Lucy Haggarty being placed 2rd.  Well done girls!

    Off to the Calder…

    The children in Primary 5a, along with pupils from Firpark, have been caring for some fishy friends over the last few weeks.  The pupils have cared for 200 fish eggs, which have grown enough now to be released into the Calder River!

    Another busy week!

    The highlight of our week has to be the fantastic Race Night on Friday in St Bride’s Hall, organised by our fabulous Fundraisers.

    This small, but incredibly effective, group of parents has once again raised an amazing amount of money for our school and nursery. £2,475.66 – outstanding. A HUGE thanks to the Fundraising Group for all its hard work and thanks also to everyone who came along on Friday night. It was a fantastic night, enjoyed by all. However, I’m still waiting for one of my horses to actually finish a race!

    The work of the Fundraising Group cannot be praised enough, I am indebted to them for their wonderful work and support for all we do in school and nursery. I genuinely feel privileged to have such a great team of people working with us in our school community; every penny raised goes to help enhance our children’s learning. We could not ask for more.

    This whole week has been a very busy and exciting one in school and nursery.

    On Wednesday of this week we all joined the parishioners of O.L.G.A Cathedral Parish to celebrate Ash Wednesday – the beginning of Lent. Mass was simply beautiful and the children’s singing and behavior – outstanding. Indeed our Parent council Chairperson, Mr Gerry Bonnar, said Ms Susan Boyle, who was at the Mass commented on how well our children sang. Praise from a celebrity singer!

    Thursday and Friday Masses in our school library at 8.15am have been very well attended, well done to all those boys and girls from nursery through to P7 who are making the effort to come to early morning Mass during Lent. Thanks also to the parents/carers who bring the children along to daily Mass, a wonderful example of faith in action.

    Thursday was World Book Day, and what a celebration we had in school. Almost every child (and staff member) was dressed as their favourite character from a book. It was a wonderful day and everyone participated in the ‘STOP DROP & READ’ throughout the day. Great fun was had by all. A HUGE thanks to our CaFi Council and our Junior Librarians who under the watchful eyes of Mrs Duffy, Miss Phee and Mrs Ellis (Firpark) organised all of the events throughout the day. Watch out for some familiar faces in the Motherwell Times this coming week.

    The Motherwell Times photographer, Alan has been coming to our school for many years, he is a firm supporter of all we do in school and has a wonderful manner with the children. Alan will be leaving Motherwell Times in a few weeks time. I simply wanted to extend my thanks and gratitude to him for all the times he has come along and showcased our children in the media through photographs and video. We wish Alan every success in the future; he will be greatly missed.

    Thursday evening some of our solo singers performed at Glasgow Music Festival.

    Well done to :

    Morgan Brown, Abigail McNally, Collette O’Neil, Ciara Scullion and Katie Torrance

    All 5 girls sang beautifully, suffice to say in the adjudication there were only 3 marks between all of the girls. Congratulations to Abigail (1st), Ciara (2nd) and Morgan (3rd).  All the girls should be very proud of their achievements, they are a credit to our school.

    Friday morning brought more competitions, singing, recitation and football.

    The local Burns competition took place in Coatbridge High. Well done to our singers:

    Diana Feenan, Imogen McFadden, Lucy Haggarty and Abigail McNally

    And to our poetry reciters:

    Kian Scullion, Ellie Hutchison, Salwa Ahmad and Collette O’Neil

    Gold medals were awarded to Ellie and Diana with Abigail and Salwa earning silver and a bronze was awarded to Kian. Well done to all competitors.

    A huge thanks to Mrs Murphy, Miss Green, Mrs McCoy & Mrs Campbell who prepare the children for solo singing and recitation. Super work and wonderful recognition, once again, to our school.

    Friday morning we hosted a football tournament on our pitch with a variety of schools participating. Our boys and girls won 3 out of 4 matches. Excellent sportsmanship was shown by all. Well done to all participants.

    Friday was also our first Alms Giving event for Lent, what a magnificent response!

    We had requested non-perishable foodstuff to collate hampers to give to those in need in our local community. We have an enormous amount of hampers with a wide range of foodstuffs. The generosity shown by our children and their families is outstanding. Thanks to all who took the time to provide goods for the hampers. A wonderful start to the season of Lent, we look forward to your continued support.

    Meanwhile down in the nursery…..

    Blackbeard has become a recluse the children have still not discovered his whereabouts. The nursery pirate ship is now taking shape and is nearly ready to set sail. The children have been learning all about pirate jobs and the names of parts of a ship. The Captain has taken up residence in the story corner which has been converted into the Captain’s quarters. The Captain is a very knowledgeable old sea salt and requested lots of reading material for his journey to search for Blackbeard.

    In the writing area the children got busy making books with their own stories to put on the Captain’ bookcase in the corner of the playroom. They have also been writing a variety of pirate words and writing the names for the parts of their very own pirate ship on the art area wall.

    In the art area they completed their own model pirate ship which they named the Blackbeard. They made an anchor using metallic paint for the big nursery ship and made a Jolly Rodger flag. These can all be seen on the helm of the ship.

    In the snack area they made and designed their own pirate biscuits and on Tuesday had the opportunity to toss some pancakes. They had pirate porridge to make them big and strong for the forthcoming journey to faraway lands.

    In the maths area they made a map of Motherwell using all the directional information that they had learned from making their own treasure maps. These can be seen in the Captain’s quarters. They completed various mazes and join the dots pirate activities.

    Outside the transformation of the HMS Cathedral continued with the children making a flag, constructing a plank and creating a plan to make a map of the outdoor area. They drew arrows and followed directional instructions during a pirate game.

    In the gym hall and softplay they have been playing a pirate game that involves actions for all the various pirate jobs e.g. scrub the decks, climb the rigging, fire the canons, hoist the sail and walk the plank.

    On Thursday the children came to nursery dressed as their favourite character from a book to celebrate world book day. They listened to stories and shared the names of their favourite books with all their friends.

    Mrs Imray introduced a new music programme called ABC music. The children got the chance to listen to different types of musical tempo and had to move their bodies accordingly. The loud music was Blackbeard and the nice soft music was Tinkerbell. They were also shown all our new musical instruments and the children could name some of them. This programme will continue over the next few weeks.

    The pre-school activities continued this week with the emphasis on pencil control and matching number to quantity.

    Keep an eye out for Blackbeard he could be hiding in a house near you!!

    The children have been visiting the living eggs in P1 and on Thursday afternoon the children saw the very first chick hatch. It was a fantastic experience to see this happening right before our eyes. They visited them again to discover that they nearly all had hatched, which came as a complete surprise to some of the children. They will continue to visit them to see and learn how quickly they grow.

    As always, thanks for reading and please feel free to comment on any aspect of my Blog or of our school.

    Mrs Shields

    Mass during Lent

    Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral Church.

    After that, Mass will be celebrated each week day during Lent in our School Library.

    Mass will begin at 8.15 am.

    Cross Country Champions!

    On Thursday the cross-country trial was held at Wishaw Sports Centre in a very muddy field. Every child that competed completed the course and ten of the thirty-four children qualified for the final in March. Which is a fantastic number of children to reach the final especially as there has only been one trial this year.  Hopefully next week will bring news of the teams that have also qualified for the final, fingers crossed! The after school club will have a fun filled night on Monday as a big thank you to the effort the children put in and the following week it will be back to hard work in preparation for the final.

    March marches in!

    Our Last February week in school was one filled with preparation.

    Catholic Education Week:

    Throughout our school all classes worked very hard to learn more about how we can Shine The Light of Faith in our daily work and play. All aspects of our Good Work Wall this coming Monday will reflect the work carried out in our classes last week in respect of Catholic Education Week.  Please try to pop into the school and have a look at the Good Work Wall to see excellent examples of the creativity in each of our classes.

    Ash Wednesday/Lent:

    As a school we are preparing to begin the season of Lent. On Wednesday of this week we will all join together in O.L.G.A Cathedral Parish to celebrate Mass for Ash Wednesday. Please come and join us is you can. We are loking for volunteers to accompany our P4 to P7 pupils who will walk to church and to supervise our P1 to P3 pupils who will be bussed to Mass.

    Date to remember: Wednesday 5th March 10.00am Mass in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church.

    My Son Pinocchio:

    All upper school pupils (P5 to P7) are very busy rehearsing for our forthcoming school show ‘ My Son Pinocchio’ which promises to be our best show ever.

    Whilst Mrs McCoy directs all stage movement and dance routines, class teachers continue to rehearse songs both in classes and in bases. We met together on Friday to examine our progress to date and wow! The singing was amazing. Our upper school children are so incredibly enthusiastic and so determined to give of their best at all times. Truly admirable.

    On Friday we also announced the winners of the ‘design a T shirt ‘ competition. The winners – whose design will form our costumes are:

    Grace McLaughlin, Luke Robertson, Salwa Ahmad, Keira Rieley, Rachel Donnelly, Niah Welsh, Ciara Scullion, Jamie Sweeney and Hannah Townsley

    Well done to all who participated, all work was completed at home in children’s own time, once again great commitment shown throughout the upper school.

    Remember to keep the dates free to come along and enjoy the show:

    Wednesday 2nd April & Thursday 3rd April at 1.30pm and 7.00pm.


    Meanwhile Primary Three are busy preparing for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all pupils are using their workbooks as the main focus of their preparations whilst also learning two very important hymns, ‘Christ is my Light’ and ‘Whatsoever you do to the least of my Brothers’.

    Please pray for our P3 children at this important time in their spiritual development.

    Dates to remember:

    St. Luke’s Reconciliation – Tuesday 11th March at 6pm

    O.L.G.A Cathedral Reconciliation – Wednesday 12th March at 6pm

    First Holy Communion:

    Primary Four pupils are also now entering the intense preparation for their forhtcoming Sacramental Celebration, please also remember our P4 pupils in your prayers.

    Important dates:

    St Luke’s First Holy Communion Saturday 3rd May @ 12.00

    O.L.G.A Cathedral First Holy Communion Saturday 10th & 17th May @ 12.00

    Primary Two Assembly:

    What a week for Primary 2 pupils and staff. Intense rehearsals for their Assembly on Friday. And what an assembly it was. Truly Magnificent and all about a load of rubbish!!!!!

    An excellent message portrayed in a most ambitious, educational, fun way. I was amazed at the learning our pupils overtook to deliver all of this work without a note or a prompt in sight. Fabulous. I was so proud of our P2 pupils and their teachers. Important messages like ‘renew, reuse recycle’ can be delivered in class but when our young people show us this message in such a creative manner it is truly memorable and the message is remembered by all. Well done to all involved, and many thanks to so many parents who came along to support the children.

    Primary One:

    Chick, Chick, Chick ,Chick ,Chicken…..

    This coming couple of weeks will be very quiet in Primary One. Shhhhh..

    This Monday they take delivery of ‘living eggs’, which throughout the next fortnight we will all watch become fluffy little chicks.

    Our wee chicks need a quiet environment as loud noises scare them.

    Good luck in P1 little chicks!!! Watch this space for weekly updates.