What an achievement for P5c and Miss Coughlan

Primary 5c & Miss Coughlan were successful winners in the North Lanarkshire Excellence and Equity Awards, winning in the category of ‘Going The Extra Mile’. A fantastic achievement, well done to all in the class and a huge thanks to Miss Coughlan who really did ‘go the extra mile’.

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Congratulations also to our other 3 projects who achieved nomination to the short list, an achievement in itself. We were a very proud school on Wednesday evening at the awards ceremony.

Tuesday was an In Service day where all of our staff was trained in Solihull Approach, a nurturing health & well being programme. Usually this is a day off school for all pupils, however, some of our wonderful boys and girls agreed to give of their own time to represent our school at North Lanarkshire Leadership Festival. Working with pupils from OLHS, Braidhurst High and Muir St. Primary they formed a ‘one off’ choir. Have a look at photographs of the children performing on our school App.

A word of thanks and praise to our whole school who represented us so well at Ascension Thursday Mass in Cathedral Church. Our children helped to fill the church with prayer and song, a lovely celebration of Mass.

Friday was a very exciting day for Primary 1 and our CaFi Council who were all invited to join Firpark pupils for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic, what a super way for our pupils to build on their friendship and enjoy fun together. Thanks to all in Firpark for the kind invitation.

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Meanwhile, down in the nursery……

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Our Spring topic continues with the help of the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ .

In the story corner the children have been retelling the story using the props and they have recorded their stories on plant pots for the display.

The Beanstalk in the playroom is growing bigger by the day. The children have been painting leaves to add to their beanstalk and clouds for the sky in the art area. They have made the Giants castle from a range of shapes. Look out for this next week.

In snack they continue to look at the shape of their food. This week they have had circle pepperoni, oval pitta breads, circle cucumber and tomatoes.

Outdoors the children have been taking part in an experiment. They have been growing their own beanstalks from magic beans, cotton wool and water. Each child has taken their beans home to care for them as they grow. We will revisit this in a few weeks to see how they are getting on.

In numeracy they continue to use the big SmartBoard for interactive shape games and in Science they have been growing radishes, carrots and Spring onions in a viewing window where they will be able to observe the growth as they take care of them.

A HUGE thank you to all our parents/carers and Grandparents who came along on Groundforce day to help us provide a better outdoor learning area for our children and a big thank you to Mrs Kinnear who co-ordinated the whole day. She went home exhausted but very happy with what everyone had achieved.

Our new log seats have arrived which were sourced from Ella’s Grandy. Grandy will continue to work in the garden next week, helping to plant a range of veg/flowers in the plant pots in and around the nursery. A big thank you to Grandy for all his help and assistance.

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Mrs Shields