It’s Award Season!

Our last term begins with incredible success recognising all of our good work across the year.

North Lanarkshire Council hosts an annual Excellence & Equity Award Ceremony. We have two of our projects recognised:

Cathedral Dolphins – under the category of ‘Going The Extra Mile’ our P3 swimming programme has been shortlisted for an award

Charity Begins at Home – under the category of  ‘Productive Partnerships’ our work with Motherwell Food Bank has been shortlisted for an award

Award ceremeny is scheduled for 9th May….watch this space!

Outdoor Learning – our fabulous nursery has been shortlisted for an Early Years Award for their work in Forest Kindergarden. The judges will be visiting the nursery on 2nd May, fingers crossed!

Clyde in the Classroom – Miss Coughlan’s class has submitted their fantastic video for this award, we wait with baited breath!

1 +2 Awards – Madame Ali has nominated a number of our pupils for awards under the umbrella of Primary modern Languages, this award ceremony is on 22nd May. Exciting times ahead.

This week has been such a successful week for so many of our pupils, recognition of our work in so many different ways.

Cross Country:

Results from the Cross Country competition at Dalziel Park on 25th April where the sun shone most of the time.

P5 girls Silver in the team event.

P5 boys Gold in the team event and Dominic Duffy earned an individual bronze medal for placing 3rd.

P6 girls Gold in the team event and Jessica Donnelly earned an individual silver medal for placing 2nd.

P6 boys Bronze medal in the team event.

P7 girls Gold in the team event and Molly McLeod earned an individual Gold and Emily Fitzpatrick an individual Silver.

P7 boys Bronze in the team event.

Mrs M M Murphy, a VERY proud coach said:

‘All teams performed to a high standard and their efforts over the last few months of training paid off as each stage and gender placed as a team. A great achievement for all who took part.’



Mrs McCarthy and her dedicated Reading Quiz Team took part in the Finals of North Lanarkshire Readinq Quiz. They were fabulous bookworm ambassadors for our school and did incredibly well, we’re very proud of you all. Here’s the happy team.








On Tuesday evening our choir was honoured to sing the opening numbers in Christian Aid Concert in Motherwell. This was a wonderful community event and we were delighted to be included. Quote from the evening from one of the adult performers:

‘ Cathedral choir were excellent tonight. Great singing, great songs and all exceptionally well turned out. A credit to you.’

Wednesday after school we were delighted to host a ‘Tapestry’ event in our school on behalf of North Lanarkshire Council. A huge thanks to our House Captains and Vice Captains who stayed on after school to form a welcome committee, they were fabulous ambassadors for our school.

Friday Night was our annual Race Night, although not as busy as usual (probably due to re-scheduling because of snow) we still raised an amazing £1800.00. It was a super evening, thanks to all who came along, parents, staff and friends of our school community and to those who sponsored races, bought horses and provided raffle prizes. Special thanks to our Fabulous Fundraisers who organised all of the event and worked tirelessly on the evening to ensure a most successful night.

We are delighted to be nominated for so many awards for our work, however, more importantly there is a huge range of excellent work on-going in our school which cannot go unrecognised, photographs below show some of the work taking place with Young Leaders and STEM.

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Meanwhile down in the superb nursery, it’s all happening!

Spring has sprung in the nursery with children discussing the signs of Springtime.

The children decided to turn the market stall into a Garden Centre and made playdough soll with lentils in it to look like seeds. They filled there plant pots with it and placed a range of flowers in it. The children have been role-playing in the garden centre and made a little cafe and a menu to go along with it.

Outdoors the children have been weeding and preparing the garden for Ground Force day. They have created an interactive plant outside to help them name the parts of a flower. Next week they will be planting their own flowers and vegetables.

In numeracy the children have been concentrating on shapes using the SmartBoard to match and sort shapes. They have been looking for shapes withih the playroom and they have been using the ABC music props to name and match shapes.

In snack we have been busy concentrating on shape food. On the menu this week they have been having triangle and rectangle toast, square crackers and circle pizzas.

On Tuesday the children were in the sensory garden when they discovered some giant footsteps and a bag full of magic beans. They brought them indoors to let all the children see what they found. Some children thought that they could be the magic beans from the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They listened to an audio version of the story and have been using the props to role-play the events in the story.

In literacy the children have been listening to Spring stories and scribing some Spring words for display. They created signs and a menu for the cafe in the Garden Centre. They have also been listening to and role-playing ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

In art they have been busy creating shape flowers using forks, cake cases and their fingers. Please take a look at the lovely rainbow display that they have created to show their hard work. They have used junk to build theur own beanstalks and Giants castle. Watch out for more next week.

A little reminder. Wednesday is our Ground Force day. We are still looking for volunteers to help with weeding, grass cutting, painting, fence erecting and a little bit of joinery work So if you are handy with a saw or a drill please put you name on the volunteer list.

Thanks in advance.

The Nursery Team

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Please leave a comment or two to let us know your thoughts.

Mrs Shields

2 thoughts on “It’s Award Season!”

  1. Well done to all children and staff involved in the plethora of celebratory events and potential award-winning activities, lots of hard work rightfully recognised.

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