P7 Quote ‘Is it Friday already?’

Primary 7 have enjoyed a fantastic week at Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban. We’ve given you a wee flavour of their week with daily App updates. Here’s some photographs taken by the magnificent instructors. As a school we extend our grateful thanks to Dhrue at Kilbowie and his crew of expert instructors:

Chris, Martine, Rosie, Donna, Adam and Dave. These talented people ensured our children were safe as they challenged them to embrace new experiences. Thanks also to our committed staff and parents who accompanied our children: Mrs Connor (Niamh’s mum), Mrs McCulloch, Mrs McDerment, Miss Kane, Miss Love & Mrs Shevlin. Not forgetting those who stayed in school to ensure minimum disruption to teaching and learning for all our pupils: Mrs Cassidy, Mrs McLaughlan, Mrs Murphy, Mrs Loose and Mrs Devanney.

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On Tuesday of this week our Cross Country Team did us proud! Here’s Mrs M M Murphy (Cross Country Guru) telling us of the day:

‘On Tuesday the cross country athletes took part in a straight final at Coatbridge outdoor centre. All athletes put in a fantastic effort after their hard work in the weeks leading up to the trial. Their hard work paid off as Jessica Donnelly returned with a silver medal for second runner home and Kacper Balinski returned with a bronze medal. Both P6 teams brought home a trophy for 2nd place. Due to the original trial being cancelled all athletes will get to race in April. Watch out for the date coming soon. This Monday’s session will be a fun night to celebrate the above achievements.’

Check out our OLGACathedral App for fabulous photographs of this event.

Last week’s Lenten Charity Appeal focussing on ;Charity Begins at Home’ was an outstanding success. David from the foodbank tell us:

‘The collection was truly record breaking in excess of 800kg.’

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Please check out Motherwell Foodbank Facebook Page for a lovely thanks. Well done to everyone concerned and thanks again to all for such generosity and care for our local community of Motherwell.

This week Crazy Hair overtook our whole campus will everyone, young and not so young, joining in the fun. A lovely way for our nursery, school and Firpark friends to all come together for a worthy cause. Photographs on the App demonstrate what fun we all enjoyed.

Friday of this week Primary 4 had a challenging learning experience:

Primary 4 were working with Malky from Motherwell Football Club and Scott and Andrew from Police Scotland to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol. They took part in some co-ordination activities wearing ‘beer googles’ in order to experience what it would be like to have consumed alcohol. The children found this very challenging!!

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ALADDIN ALADDIN ALADDIN……..Tickets go on general release this coming Monday, please ensure you have all you require. This show promises to be spectacular. Our P5, P6 & P7 pupils have completely embraced the learning and are loving every minute.

PLEASE REMEMBER: ALL P5, P6 & P7 pupils are required to be at ALL performances:

Tuesday 27th March 1.30pm & 7.00pm

Wednesday 28th March 1.30pm & 7.00pm

This is a show NOT to be missed! It’s gonna be magnificent.

Our nursery pupils have completely immersed themselves into our Aladdin excitement. Here’s Mrs MM Murphy’s weekly roundup….

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Our Aladdin topic continues with the children discussing the names of all the characters from the story. After discussions the children got busy painting some of the characters which are proudly displayed in the playroom. Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu are flying high in the playroom, keeping watch on all the children below. At the end of the week the art area was abuzz with children making Jasmine bracelets and Genie cuffs.

In snack the children have been tasting foods from other countries. On the menu this week was Arabian curry, rice and flatbreads. The aroma of spices filled the air.

Each group also made a biscuit flying carpet. The children chose their favourite coloured icing and decorations to make them all unique. Very few went home as they enjoyed tasting their creations.

Role-playing in the market stall continues using real fruit and vegetables.

In numeracy the children have been matching number to quantity using the characters from the story and they have been matching the shadows to the characters as well.

In softplay the children created their own Arabian Palace using the different shaped blocks and back in nursery they used the large dominoes to build a Palace too.

Outdoors the children have been busy making the ‘Cave of Wonders’ using a range of materials and made a fire for inside it. They have been busy role-playing in the cave and chalking a flying carpet on the ground.

In Literacy the children continued to record their very own 3 wishes and these are all now displayed on the walls. We have revisited the story often this week using the finger puppets and the stick puppets.

The highlight of the week is our newly repaired SmartBoard which has been put to good use with the children researching the desert and the animals that can survive in the hot sun. ‘Alice the Camel’ has been a favourite song this week!

As always, thanks for taking the time to read our Blog. Please leave a comment or two and let us know what you think, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Mrs Shields