Extreme Weather……….AGAIN!

More extreme weather in Motherwell this week, although very different from last week.

Our Primary 4 pupils gave an outstanding performance at their assembly all based around their topic of Extreme Weather.

The boys and girls in P4 can be very proud of themselves, their range of knowledge was most impressive. However, the most magnificent component has to be the performances of our pupils. They sang, danced, acted and entertained everyone. Every child in P4 had a most valued and important role to play and they did so with style and panache! A magnificent performance children, well done. A HUGE thanks to Mrs Irwin, Miss Love, Miss McAvoy and Miss Couper who wrote the script, choreographed the routines, taught the songs and made the costumes. What a talented P4 staff and pupils we have.

A big vote of thanks also to all of the (very proud) parents, carers and extended family who came along to support our children, this wonderful support and encouragement from home provides great motivation for both pupils and staff alike. Thank you.

Here are a few photographs taken at the dress rehearsal on Thursday:

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Primary Five have taken delivery of their 600 (YES 600) fish eggs, we wait with baited breath to hear of their progress; Mrs Carr reports:

Our much awaited topic has begun; Clyde in the Classroom.

Over the next four to six weeks, Primary 5 will be playing their part in the continuing ecological improvement of the River Clyde by taking responsibility for the growth and development of brown trout. On Thursday of this week, 600 fish eggs were delivered, and each of the three P5 classes will be responsible for looking after them. They will ensure that the conditions are kept just right to allow them to develop before releasing them into the wild.

Clyde in The Classroom in Action:

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Tuesday of this week we welcomed a great number of Primary Three parents, carers and extended family to our school for a Reconciliation workshop and our Reconciliation Enrolment Ceremony. Grateful thanks to Miss Cawley for developing and delivering the workshop, to Fr. Chromy for presiding over the Enrolment Ceremony, to all who came along to show their support for our children’s spiritual development and, last but by no means least, thanks to our Primary 3 pupils who sang so well and behaved so reverently at their Enrolment Service giving very informed and appropriate responses to all of Fr. Chromy’s questions. Well done to all in P3.

Primary Three will now begin their workbooks and receive their candles for home link participation. All will be issued on Monday. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church on Tuesday 13th March at 6pm. Children should be in full school uniform for this service. we look forward to sharing in this, most important, step in our children’s  Faith journey.

Also on Tuesday we welcomed our P7 pupils with their parents and carers to our Kilbowie meeting, always an exciting event. 75 of our Primary 7 pupils will enjoy this unique opportunity to spend a week learning outdoors in Oban, the highlight of P7 ( well one of them).

Grateful thanks to all who came along, thanks also to our devoted staff and parent who have so kindly volunteered to accompany the children. Mrs Murphy P7c, Mrs McDerment P7b and Mrs McCulloch P7a will all be going to Kilbowie along with Miss Kane (Student teacher), Mrs Connor (Niamh’s mum) and myself. I can’t wait.

Meanwhile our youngest pupils have been enjoying lots of super learning experiences; here’s Mrs Murphy’s news:

Our Winter topic continues with the children deciding to create an iceberg in the middle of the playroom. They made penguins from collage and placed them on the iceberg.

In Literacy they have scribed Wintry words describing what the weather is like during the Winter season. They placed them on the iceberg too.

In snack they have been making jelly, watching the cubes dissolving then turning into wibbly wobbly jelly.

Over in the Arctic Circle the children have been role-playing with the new snowy animal costumes and catching fish in the icy pond.

They have used a range of Winter props to sing number counting songs and have been exploring some new music resources in the music area.

Outdoors they have been playing a range of Winter rhyme games.

On Thursday the Arctic Circle came to a standstill as we all celebrated Burns Day.

Haggis, Neeps and tatties tasting in the snack area.

Welly Wanging outdoors.

Dancing to Scottish music.

Listening to Scottish stories in the story corner. (Read by Roark one of our P6 buddies.)

A guid Shindig was had by all!

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As always, thanks for taking the time to read our blog, please leave a comment or two.

Mrs Shields

One thought on “Extreme Weather……….AGAIN!”

  1. Best assembly I have seen to date, and I have been coming to the school to watch my children since 2002. I love how every child is included and their confidence is encouraged. Well done pupils and teachers

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