An Interesting Week!

This has been a frustrating week in school and nursery. The inclement weather has disrupted most of our planned activities, however, as always we make the best of our situation.

Our children have enjoyed much fun in the snow. We sent our House Captains and Vice Captains out on Tuesday to capture our snowy yard. Here’s their photographs:

On Tuesday our Primary 5 classes were due to spend the day at Glasgow Science Centre in preparation for their Clyde in the Classroom Project. Due to weather conditions this outing was cancelled. However on Wednesday The Science Centre came to us!

Primary Five had a wonderful day learning all about their little fish eggs (due next week) and how best to ensure their fish grow in our school. We’ll keep you posted on their development,

The recently launched School App has proved to be an invaluable way to contact all in our school community. To date 505 people have downloaded the App, I appeal to you to please download the App and encourage all involved in our school to do the same.

Friday morning when we were instructed to close our schools in the interest of health and safety for our children the text messaging service was overwhelmed causing messages to be delayed in sending or indeed failing to send. Our App was completely successful and sent almost instant alerts to all who could access it. Many parents/carers and extended family spoke highly of the communication through our App on Friday during our early closure.

A huge thanks to all staff, most especially our office staff, who worked tirelessly on Friday to ensure all children were safely collected. Thanks also to all who came to collect pupils, I appreciate it was a lengthy wait for many but your good humour and understanding of our complex situation was much appreciated. Everyone understood our only aim was to ensure each child was accounted for and had a safe journey home.

We have extended our enrolment for P1 pupils for August until this coming Monday. Should anyone still have to enrol their child for school beginning in August of this year please come to school on Monday afternoon.

This coming week we aim to have our Kilbowie meeting on Tuesday (23rd) at 6pm. This meeting is for all P7 pupils and their parents/carers.

Also on Tuesday we will host our P3 Reconciliation workshop and Enrolment Service. This will take place on Tuesday afternoon, workshop at 1.30pm and Enrolment Service, conducted by Fr. Chromy, at 2.15pm. We look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday evening we have our first Fundraisers Meeting of 2018, I encourage all to come along and take part in this group who are magnificent at raising funds to enhance the educational experience of all of our children. Meeting is at 7pm in our school staffroom. All welcome.

Let’s hope for a less disrupted week ahead.

Our youngest pupils braved the snow and all enjoyed a fun filled time at nursery, here’s some photographs of their week:



Mrs Shields