One Night in Motherwell…….

Picture the scene:

A cold, dismal, dreary Tuesday in Motherwell when all of a sudden at 1.30pm and 7.00pm the true spirit of Christmas arrived in style. The pupils of Primaries 4, 5, 6 & 7 brought joy and cheer to all in Motherwell with their magnificent renditions of ‘One Night in Bethlehem’. They sang, swayed, spoke and smiled their way though a wonderful portrayal of the Great Feast of Christmas.

Once again, huge thanks to John Quinn who photographed the event for us, click on the link below to access the fabulous photographs. All are available for download by clicking on the button at the top of each picture.

Thanks also to our brilliant, appreciative audiences who happily joined in the fun. Together we captured the true spirit of Christmas, thank you.

Here’s a wee taster of the photographs, lots more online.

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Continuing the Christmas cheer, on Thursday afternoon Primary 7 pupils from P7c visited Mission Place, sheltered housing complex, to bring some festive joy and song into the lives of the residents (and staff). Mrs Murphy reports:

It was a great success- very proud teacher moment because they sang so well, behaved impeccably and really enjoyed chatting with the residents. The Christmas Spirit is truly alive and well in P7c this week!

Here’s a few photographs of their visit.

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Final blog next week will focus on our youngest pupils, our wonderful nursery students, who are busy preparing for their performances of ‘Santa’s Hat’. I can’t wait, it’ll be fabulous.

As always, thanks for reading our Blog and please share your thoughts with us.

Mrs Shields

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