Compliments All Round

REMEMBER: School and nursery are closed to pupils on Monday 20th November. Staff In-Service Day.

We’ll see you on Tuesday 21st November in full school uniform for class group photographs.

This has been an incredible week where we have been overwhelmed by personnel outwith our school community taking time to compliment our pupils, staff & parents/carers on their enthusiasm, participation and commitment to our school.

Beginning with our youngest students, our wonderful nursery pupils, staff and parent/carers. Mrs MM Murphy reports:

On Monday we had a fabulous turn out from parents carers for a magical musical workshop. They joined the children in the drama room with Caroline McCluskey from the tapestry project. Caroline a former pupil of the school led a fabulous musical session involving puppets and musical instruments. The project is aimed at bringing families together to interact with each other through music. The children and adults had a fabulous time. Have a look at the photographs and see for yourself.

Caroline ( a former pupil of our school) took the time to email saying:

A big thank you to Cathedral Nursery for hosting our Tapestry Early Years Music Family Workshops and to our brilliant S6 student assistants from Our Ladys’s High. I had a wonderful day of music and dance with the nursery children and their families. We had really amazing support,  25 children and 24 parents and grandparents participated in the morning workshop. In the afternoon, 12 children and 15 parents and grandparents came along.
I also worked with two groups of children who participated with their nursery teachers. A lovely musical celebration. 

Nigel also commented:

The girls were great – your school has a wonderful culture of dignity and grace.

What a beautiful description of our school community. A huge thanks to all involved.

Wednesday of this week our P5 pupils from P5a and P5c enjoyed their 10th week at swimming. Once again we received wonderful feedback in respect of our pupils, manners, participation and love of learning:

The coaching staff at Wishaw Sports Centre were really praising the children’s behaviour and saying how much they look forward to working with them each week, due to their great behaviour and enthusiasm. Here are photos of our happy swimmers.

Excellent feedback, well done to our very proud,  super swimmers.

Friday morning P7c set off for Civic Centre to Jack and the Beanstalk. Mrs Murphy reported staff from other schools were amazed at our oldest pupils, their manners and their obvious enjoyment in the show. They also complimented their perfect uniform.

Friday was a very busy day. Primary one also set out to Forgewood Community Centre to enjoy The Wizard of Oz. Again, a great success.

Friday afternoon 388 pupils set out on 5 double decker buses to Civic Centre to enjoy Jack and the Beanstalk. Excellent behaviour and participation from our pupils. The performers were overwhelmed with our school pupils willingness to participate. They were heard to say; ‘Best audience ever’

All of the wonderful success described above is indicative of our school ethos, we are so proud of our pupils. However, we are very aware we could not provide such wonderful opportunities for our pupils without our dedicated staff and the HUGE number of parents/carers who give so freely of their time to participate in our school in so many ways. An ENORMOUS thanks to all. Together we make an excellent team all with one goal; to provide the very best for our children.

A HUGE thanks also to North Lanarkshire Council and Forgewood Community Centre who have provided this wonderful opportunity for our children to visit the pantomimes completely free of charge. Our school provided the buses which has allowed every child in our school to enjoy a wonderful professional pantomime at NO cost to any child, fantastic. Let’s hope we get invited back next year!

Primary Two, we’ve not forgotten about you, your turn is coming this Wednesday…….exciting!

Tuesday and Wednesday we welcomed such highly groomed pupils all shiny and perfect for their photographs. Remember school class group photographs will be taken this coming Tuesday. Full school uniform for all please.

In addition to the Early Years Tapestry Workshop there is so much more happening in our fabulous nursery:

Also on Monday the first ‘Play on Pedals’ block started. All evidence of this will be displayed in the cloakroom on the wall and in the floorbook.

On Wednesday the photographer was busy taking photographs of all the nursery children. Smile please!
On the same day a special delivery arrived in the nursery from the North Pole. A letter from Santa who was feeling a bit sad as he had lost his hat. He has asked the nursery children if they can put on a show to help him find his hat. The children agreed to help him right away. Watch this space.

Friday dawned and it was the turn of Childsmile who visited the nursery to carry out the tooth varnishing programme. All children involved left with sparkly teeth.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read our Blog, any comments or feedback please let us know.

Mrs Shields