All Assemblied Out!

Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed learning from our P6 & P5 pupils all about their work in class through the media of song, dance and performance.

Primary 6 offered us an insightful look at life in World War II. We learned all about rationing, evacuation, the Blitz, dancing of the era and so much more. A magnificent history lesson told so eloquently in song and dance. A HUGE well done to all of our super P6 pupils and the staff; Mrs Tominey, Mrs McAllister, Miss McAlinden & Mrs Rimmer.

A wee selection of photographs below.

This Friday P5 took us all on a ‘smashing’ journey of ‘eggploration’ through the eyes of detectives!

Humpty Dumpty – was he pushed or did he fall?

A ‘cracking’ trip into the world of forensic science. Primary 5 really came up Trump! Entertainment value was superb, a MASSIVE well done to all involved our P5 children and staff; Miss Coughlan, Mrs Carr, Mrs Rice and Mrs Findlay.

The slideshow below gives a flavour of all the action.

Wednesday of this week in school we all enjoyed a beautiful celebration of Mass with Bishop Toal in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church coming together as a community of faith to share the joy of the great Feast of All Saints. Our thanks to Bishop Toal for welcoming our children so warmly and speaking so highly of their participation in the Mass. A special ‘well done’ to our P7 pupils who lead the liturgy with grace, dignity and reverence.

Also on Wednesday our school welcomed a very important visitor. Mr Paul Johnston Director General Education, Communities and Justice came along to look at the excellent practice in our school and learn all about what makes us great. The answer to what makes us great is, of course, our children. Once again, our pupils excelled in their behaviour, learning and manners. My grateful thanks to all staff who provide such a fabulous platform for our children to showcase their work. Mr Johnston was most impressed by the range of exciting opportunities within our school and the commitment and dedication of our staff. He left stating he would like to ‘bottle our enthusiasm and sell it’.

Ending our week on a high note. North Lanarkshire Council has very kindly provided FREE tickets to our P3, P4, P5, P6 & P7 pupils to attend the final preview of this year’s pantomime Jack in the Beanstalk. How fabulous is that!

Our pupils will go to the theatre on Friday 17th November with one class attending AM performance and all others from P3 through to P7 going to PM performance.

We will be looking for volunteer parent helpers to assist on the day. Watch out for the letter in school bags on Monday.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read our Blog and please feel free to add a comment or two.

Mrs Shields

PS: No nursery Blog this week as our nursery has been somewhat short of staff. Mrs MM Murphy and Miss MacMullen are both off unwell, we wish them a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming them back soon.


One thought on “All Assemblied Out!”

  1. What an interesting and fabulous assemblie. The kids have enjoyed every second of this topic.Well done to all.

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