Celebrating a fabulous First Term

Last week we held the first of our 2 Parent Evenings for this year. I am delighted to report 95% of parents from P1 to P7 attended on the evening, 98% of nursery parents attended on the evening. This is a superb response. Thanks so much for taking the time to come along and support your child in this way. It is so important for you to actually see all the work on-going in class and your child’s work to date. As a staff we are absolutely delighted to see so many parents and carers demonstrate their active interest in the children’s learning, so re-assuring and motivating for us as educators, thank you, thank you, thank you.

At Parent Evening we surveyed your opinion of our communication processes and asked for your suggestions for possible further improvements:

We asked what methods of communication you regularly use:

  1. Newsletter (paper version) 89% 
  2. Newsletter (online version) 22%
  3. Text Messages 95% 
  4. School Website 50% 
  5. HT Blog 45% 

We are delighted with the positive comments we received and with the suggestions put forward by yourselves.

Following the October break we will collate a full response sheet and indicate how we will take forward your suggestions. Until then here’s a wee taster of some of the comments:

146 parents/carers indicated there are NO other methods of communication they could suggest which would help keep them informed in the life and work of the school.

Communication is most effective and proves essential for building school/family involvement in my children’s education.

Already good communication.

The excellent communication in Cathedral allows me to share in the wonderful learning opportunities my children experience.

More on an individual basis, the class dojo would be fab! Reminders for no sports gear for example.

I am very happy with the info I receive.

Communication standards from the school are excellent.

Regularly use Xpression and class dojo.

Great communication already.


No. Access them all.

A school App which could be used to access the newsletter, holidays, lunch menu.

Not at the moment I feel the communications from the school are more than adequate.

I can’t think of anything.

No, really pleased with the various methods of communication available. Love the slideshow of photos on website – HT Blog.

A text link to HT Blog – just to let us know there is something new on it.

Social media (Facebook)

Facebook page.

Twitter Account.

Class Dojo.

No, text message suits best.

All covered in the above list.

Emails might be a good idea.

I’m happy with the methods already available.

Love the Blog!

Regular texts of school closures etc.

Possibly more on the Blog, but now the classes have an interactive page we shall see how that goes.


No – The Blog and the Newsletter are usually very good.


Methods are fine, I need to utilise what you’ve provided more.

Meanwhile our nursery parents and children provided feedback on their nursery experience to date, again we will fully collate all responses and feedback to you after October break. Mrs MM Murphy picked out some comments to share just now:

“We are pleased with our child’s progress and how much her confidence has grown. It was great to hear the positive feedback from her keyworker”

I am again delighted at my son’s progress since transferring to Cathedral nursery. We can’t praise the environment, curriculum, most of all, the staff high enough”

“We are absolutely thrilled with our son’s progress and are so proud of the kind, caring and curious little boy he is becoming. We cannot thank the staff enough in particular his keyworker for the care and attention she and the staff show him. He adores nursery and we will be so sad when he needs to move on to P1”

“The keyworker really has a good understanding of our child. All staff are always welcoming and have good knowledge of our child. We are very pleased with the progress and learning our child has made”

We are delighted with our child’s development. We love it that she likes being busy and enjoys each new topic and challenge”

“We are happy with our child’s progress. His speech has come on superbly and he is eager to go every day. He has a fantastic relationship with his keyworker”

“Well organised highly satisfied with all effort made by staff”

“Our child is so happy to go to nursery each day. We see that her vocabulary/speech is much more advanced”

“Our child has recently moved to Am sessions and has adapted well to the new routine. He is enjoying making new friends and is feeling happy at helping the age 3’s. He enjoys all aspects of nursery life and we are so happy we chose Cathedral as we have enjoyed watching him grow and develop. You all do a wonderful job!!”

“I am so pleased with my child’s report at parent’s night and so happy he is joining in more at big group time”

“It is great to see our child’s folder! We are pleased to see that he has settled into nursery so well. He has been very busy!”

“Loved her drawings and enjoyed looking through this book several times!!! Our child likes seeing pictures of herself”

“Great to see all the good work that happens in nursery”

Children’s comments below.

“I loved telling my mummy and daddy about all the things I do in nursery”

“I love nursery and love doing my exercises and being the Golden Helper”

“I am almost 4 and like to help the smaller kids in my nursery. I have lots of fun and love Cathedral and have made lots of friends. I am very excited about the new trophy for Star of the week!”

“I like playing with my friends outside”

“I like nursery and I like learning how to do different things”

“Happy to hear good things about me. Me love my teachers”

“I love my new friends and my keyworker very much. I love new stories and dancing to Jump Start Johnny”

“Love going to the forest”

“I have been having lots of fun and working hard”

“I love nursery it is fun”

“I am going to try very hard to keep busy. I am going to play nice with all the children”

A different approach this week but I felt it important you have some initial feedback on our Parent Evening.

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely, relaxing October break. We look forward to returning for our 2nd term refreshed and ready to continue to motivate and inspire to fulfill our commitment to our children as we indicate in our motto:

Living to Learn, Learning to Live

Mrs Shields