We leave August and welcome September

A very busy week to end August. On Monday morning we held our weekly whole school assembly. I’ve added a number of photographs of our pupils who were nominated to be on The Good Work Wall. They show our wonderful pupils from P7 through to P1 taking pride of place ‘on the throne’ and telling the whole school all about their fabulous work. Our older pupils set an excellent example for our newest pupils which led to our brand new P1 pupils happily coming out to tell everyone about their work. Two weeks into school and already they can address an audience of over 500! Impressive! The confidence our children show as they relate how successful they have been in their learning is truly amazing. Be proud boys and girls, very proud.

Also on Monday we were delighted to welcome Mr Dan Cardle, HT of Our Lady’s High to our school. Mr Cardle enjoyed a tour of our school and took time to speak to all, a special welcome awaited in P7 with our pupils very keen to make an excellent first impression. Thanks to Mr Cardle for taking the time to come to school to meet everyone, we look forward to continuing our close working relationship with our secondary colleagues. Couple of photographs in the slideshow showing Mr Cardle having a wee chat with P7.

Tuesday morning our P1 pupils all smiled for the camera as they had their photographs taken for Motherwell Times. This was our final visit from ‘Alan’ who is a freelance photographer who works with local press. Alan has been a regular visitor to our school and has captured on camera so many important moments in our school life over a great many years. Alan is now off to pastures new and we wish him every success. Thanks for all your work in our school Alan, we’ll miss you.

Our first school Mass of the year was celebrated on Thursday morning in our school hall. Primary 6 led the liturgy with reverence, well done to everyone in our school who all participated so well in all aspects of the Mass. Thanks to Fr Martin who celebrated the Mass and to student Mark O’Donnell who came along to participate with our school.

We ended our week with our first Coffee Morning of the session. Primary Five were in charge and did so with style and panache! I am reliably informed all was great and they raised an incredible £652.60, amazing! My apologies for not being in attendance, we were called to a Head Teacher’s meeting which had to be re-scheduled from earlier in the week. Our grateful thanks to all of those who helped to make the event such a great success. To all who baked, handed in cakes, donated raffle prizes, came along to join in and to our merry band of happy helpers, we couldn’t do it without you. Special thanks to Primary 5 who were proud to lead our school in this event. Again, photographs in the slideshow.

It’s been a brilliant week in school and in nursery. Let’s hope we continue in this very positive mode.

This week there’s a doubler with our youngest students. Two weeks worth of photographs to keep you up to date on all that’s happening in our fabulous nursery. The happy smiles say it all!

Here’s Mrs MM Murphy’s weekly update:

This week the children continue to get to grips with the nursery rules and routines. This will continue to help their transition into nursery.

The staff are getting to know their new children and the children are beginning to name their keyworker and other staff members. The staff continue to build positive relationships.

Through the story ‘The Scarecrow Who Didn’t Scare’ the children have been discussing their feelings using the puppets from the story and the puppet theatre.

In Literacy a new baby has prompted a variety of stories about new babies in the family. The new big sister was very proud to read the story to her friends.

In music they have been singing songs about feelings such as ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’

The children have been busy in the art listening and following the instructions to make playdough and then made happy and sad faces using what they made.

In snack the children continue to learn the snack routine and have used the healthy fruit and vegetables to make a range of happy and sad faces.

In numeracy the children continue to learn about comparing sizes, they have been measuring their feet this week and using the coloured squares to compare how big they are.

In construction the children are following the pictures to create their own models. A very popular activity.

The garden has been out of bounds for most of the week due to work being carried out but this has not stopped outdoor learning. The children have been out visiting the wider school community and have been sharing and taking turns on the Trim Trail and have been exploring the pitch and the softplay area. Each group has taken part in a range of races around the circle at the front of the nursery. This has involved listening and following instructions especially during their warm ups. They have been running, hopping, skipping and walking backwards. Great fun learning all round.

Next Wednesday sees the start of the 1st Forest Kindergarten block and the children have been preparing for this all week. Look out for evidence in the cloakroom next week of their Forest adventures.


One thought on “We leave August and welcome September”

  1. Sounds like great experience “on the throne” for all concerned and hats off in particular to the P1s for taking the plunge with sharing their work stories. A great start to the fundraising year too with over £650 from the coffee morning – well done P5 and our fantastic fundraising group!

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