Another Successful Week

We are delighted to have completed another very successful week in school. Our children all continue to present each day in full school uniform and full PE kit when appropriate, this is wonderful and demonstrates great enthusiasm to continue our very high standards. Thank you.

Tuesday of this week a number of our P5 pupils attended a photo shoot at Motherwell Heritage Centre, this was to showcase their fabulous art work. The work is not yet on display – we’ll let you know when that happens. Well done to our P5 artists (who completed these wonderful art works when they were just P4).

On Wednesday our nursery welcomed all those children and their parents who will join our dynamic nursery between now and December. The only tears shed were those when the children were told it was time to leave!! We look forward to welcoming all of our new starts just after their third birthdays.

Friday saw us celebrate as a community of Faith & Learning our first school Mass of the year. The Feast of St John The Baptist. What an impressive start from our children. Our P1 pupils behaviour and participation during Mass was exemplary, congratulations to all in our school community who have demonstrated their fabulous behaviour allowing all of our P1 pupils to learn by their excellent example.

A wee reminder: Tuesday 2nd September Meet The Teacher Night. A letter should have come home on Friday. We look forward to welcoming you all to meet our teaching staff on Tuesday at 6pm. Come along and have a look at the resources your child is using in class.

Meanwhile the dynamic nursery team has had a very exciting week…..Read Mrs Murphy’s Blog:

This week the children have been learning all the nursery rules and routines through our new group activity time. This gives the children the opportunity to take part as a group in a different activity every day led by a different member of staff. This gives the children the chance to build relationships with all of the nursery staff and allows the staff to get to know all of the new nursery children.

Outdoors they have been listening and following the instructions on the Sticky Kids CD promoting when to talk and when to listen a big part of nursery life.

In the literacy area they have been discussing and recording the nursery routine from hanging your jacket on your peg, self-registering and signing in at group time to the daily recordings on the calendar.

In the numeracy area they have been learning the Smart Board rules, sharing and turn taking and exploring maths games.

In the art area they listened and followed the instructions to make cinnamon playdough. They all took the playdough that they made home with them.

In the snack area they have been learning the snack routine and the importance of hand washing before they come for snack. They also chose what to make for snack and helped prepare it.

After group activities the children choose what they want to do during free flow play.

It is amazing how quickly the children settle into the new routine.

They have already conquered the art of lining up to go outside and some children can get their jackets and wellies on all by themselves, the staff will continue to promote independence in this area. Outdoors they have been concentrating on sharing and turn taking using the outdoor space and equipment. They pretended to be superheroes and took turns jumping off the boulders.

In the literacy area they continued with drawing pictures and relaying stories of what they did during the holidays. A selection of these can be seen displayed in the story corner.

The Smart Board is proving a bit hit with the new children and they have been watching and playing interactive number games on the big screen.

Over in the expressive arts area they have been producing fabulous paintings using the palette paints.

In the snack area the children have been choosing healthy snacks and in the home corner the babies are as popular as ever.

Evidence of what the children have been learning about can be seen on the curriculum wall in the cloakroom.

On Wednesday we welcomed our next set of recruits who will join us from now until December. The weather was fantastic and the children explored all areas of the nursery with their parents/carers. We look forward to them joining us after their 3rd birthday.

As always, thanks for reading. Please leave your comment, I would love to hear how we can continue to improve.

Mrs Shields