An Exhausting Week, but SO much fun!

What did we do this week?

We ran, we jumped, we bounced, we skipped, we danced to the Samba beat, we kicked footballs, we climbed walls, we threw javelins, we shot at archery, we balanced, we learned tai kwon do, we cycled to make smoothies (yup we really did), we cycled to blow up balloons, we orienteered, we learned rugby, we learned to sumo fight, we enjoyed home made energy bars and home made lemonade, we paraded, we laughed, we worked as a team and we had brilliant fun.

HUGE thanks to all who helped out in any way with our fabulous Three Day Event it was truly memorable and magnificent. By the end of school day on Wednesday every pupil, every parent helper, every member of staff left school fitter, flabbergasted and a wee bit bedraggled having enjoyed a wonderful range of unique learning opportunities. What a fabulous way to promote our children’s (and our adults) health and well being. Too many people to mention (cause I’ll definitely miss someone out) so a global, sincere THANK YOU to all.

Mr John Quinn kindly took the time to come along on Monday and Tuesday to capture the moments – and there were many, many moments. Thanks to John for once again giving of his time sharing his talents and skills. Check out the cheeky nursery getting in on the act! Brilliant dancing from the youngest members of our team.

Here they are in glorious technicolour….all 465 of them! Enjoy.

Click on the photograph for a complete image.



Separate nursery graduation blog coming soon…..

Mrs Shields


One thought on “An Exhausting Week, but SO much fun!”

  1. A pleasure to once again photograph another great school event. So well organised as ever and great to see the very many parent helpers and staff combining to create such a great atmosphere and fun event for the kids. Just magic. Well done everyone.

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