A week of exotic adventure

Primary Three ended our week by taking us all on a magical journey to Africa. We all loved joining them on ‘Safari’ as they presented us with knowledge, song, dance and fabulous entertainment. A HUGE well done and congratulations to everyone in Primary Three, this was a truly uplifting, child friendly assembly. The joy and pride on the children’s faces mirrored that of their families in the audience.


A big thanks to Mrs Murphy, Mrs Gillies, Mrs Munro & Miss Cawley for their incredibly imaginative work, truly inspirational. As always, our class teachers were aided and guided by Mrs McCoy whose incredible choreography was stamped all over this performance. Thanks also to Mrs Campbell for her musical input. An engaging assembly from start to finish- absolutely brilliant.


Mrs Quinn (Amanda & Grace’s mum) attended the assembly to support her extended family. Mrs Quinn kindly photographed the event for all to enjoy, here’s the link:

Thanks to Mr & Mrs Quinn for their ongoing support for all we do in school and nursery.



Here’s a wee sneak preview.



Our two First Holy Communion Masses ended one week and began a new week in a beautiful, spiritual manner. Congratulations to each of our 63 Communicants who looked truly splendid and participated so reverently and respectfully in each of The Masses. Thanks to all staff in our school community who came out over the weekend to offer support to our Primary Four pupils. Occasions such as these are a wonderful way to celebrate our Catholic School within our Motherwell Community of Faith and Learning. Working closely with Mgr. Millar, Fr. Martin and Deacon Tom we are indeed blessed within our school.


Particular thanks to class teachers; Mrs Murphy, Mrs Cassidy, Miss McAvoy and Miss Cawley, for their on going preparation in class and their commitment to our children’s spiritual development. Thanks also to Mrs Campbell, Mrs Murphy and Miss Love for providing the music ministry, this greatly enhances each of our school Masses.


Over this short week life in school has been busy, as always. We continue to focus on improving our children’s health and well being with many classes participating in our daily mile programme, now we even have staff participating after school also completing their daily mile, a great example to all.


North Lanarkshire Council’s ‘Beat The Street’ Initiative is proving very popular with the majority of our school community involving our nursery pupils, school pupils, staff and all of our families. A great way to get fit and active within the local community. At the moment we are sitting at number 7 on the leader board, let’s get out there and bring us up the table even further.


Within our nursery car park you may notice a new addition.



Yes! We have a newly painted zebra crossing. Thanks to our Parent Council for their help in securing this additional safety feature within this very busy car park. Our nursery children now have a safer route to and from nursery each day.


Speaking of the nursery, here’s all the gossip from their four days of learning.

The ‘Under the Sea’ topic is well under way and the children have been super busy creating displays and learning about a range of sea creatures.

Outdoors they have painted a shark and added it to the ocean display. They have turned the Jungle Jeep into a yellow submarine with a periscope for them to explore the deep blue sea. Our outdoor pool has sparked the children’s imagination and they have been role-playing Nemo and other characters from this story. They continued to request ‘Shark Attack’ an active outdoor game taking turns being the shark.

In the literacy area they have been using the story props to recreate the story of ‘Shaun the Shy Shark’ The children have painted and used collage to create the characters and the scenes from the story and these are displayed on the literacy wall. They continue to explore all the other sea creatures stories in the story corner.

In numeracy they have been sequencing the sizes of fish and have created a display showing their findings. In science the children have been learning all about the Life Cycle of a Sea Turtle. They have been watching this fascinating unique part of nature on the SmartBoard and have made their own turtles and produced a display showing a step by step guide to what happens. They have been cutting and pasting these steps and sequencing them in the correct order.

In the art area they have made salt dough sea creatures, sea horses, lobsters, fish and crabs. The children painted a wavy sea and have hung their finished creatures on the display. Please take a closer look at the details in their salt dough creatures. They have been exploring pasta shells, spheres and other sensory materials in the water tray.

Over in the snack area they have had the chance to taste fish fingers and tuna pasta. They have made their own clam biscuits and some rainbow fish cakes. This will continue next week so that all children will have the opportunity to bake.

In the house corner the children came up with the idea to change it into a beach scene. They brought out the flip flops, sunglasses, sun hats and the deckchairs and are role-playing lazy days at the beach. They obviously had inside information about the change in the weather this coming week.

The challenge of the week has returned. Please look out for these special stickers and ask your children what they had to do to get one. Each week the challenge will differ and there will be different levels to encourage all children to have a go.

The final block of Forest Kindergarten commenced on Wednesday. The children enjoyed their first day in the forest getting up close to nature.

There are still spaces available on the Growing Together Learning Forever parental programme which will be delivered by Mrs Little this term. If you have some spare time and are interested in some free fabulous resources that you get to keep, please let any member of staff know. It is a great opportunity to get together informally for a chat and a cuppa.

And, here’s the photos:

As always, thanks for reading. Please leave us a wee comment, we’d love to hear from you.

Mrs Shields

2 thoughts on “A week of exotic adventure”

  1. A big thank you to all involved in P3 assembly, it was terrific. I love how every child gets to be involved and they were all beaming. Thanks also to Mrs Quinn for the photos.

  2. Congratulations to all the First Communicants and a big thank you to all staff and clergy involved who made it such a wonderful, spiritual celebration for everyone.

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