This will be our last ‘weekly’ Blog. Taking account of the views of our parents we have decided to Blog on a monthly basis from next term. Our school App is providing regular updates of our school successes and events allowing the Blog to focus more on summarising monthly adventures in school and nursery and on what’s coming up for the following month.
Monday morning assembly was a little different this week. We were treated to a presentation from SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund), focussing all children on the big screen Kathleen, from SCIAF, posed questions, stated facts and educated our whole school on the good work their donations are doing. We were introduced to a family who have had their lives transformed through SCIAF. This was a super presentation which ensured our pupils were left in no doubt about the good work they are doing helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Our grateful thanks to Kathleen for coming along to present to our school.
On Wednesday Mrs Tominey headed off to Motherwell Library with our Reading Quiz Team to compete in North Lanarkshire Annual Reading Quiz. Congratulations to Jack Dobbin, Isla Donnelly, Jessica Donnelly, Nicole Mullen, Anna Queen and Chelsea Simpson who earned a super 3rd place. Well done to all in the team.
Primary One pupils enjoyed a super afternoon on Wednesday working with our local Fire Service. The boys and girls had great fun learning all about being a part of the Fire Brigade, they drove the truck (sort of), sounded the siren, put out pretend fires with the hoses and had a wonderful time talking to all the fire fighters. Thanks to our Fire Service for giving of their time, this is much appreciated.
Wednesday evening was a wonderful highlight of our school year. 125 of our Primary 6 & Primary 7 pupils were confirmed in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church. The Sacrament was conferred by His Lordship, Bishop Toal who was accompanied on the altar by 6 additional clergy. A truly memorable event in the faith lives of our pupils, our staff and all the families. Huge thank to all who contributed to Confirmation, our teaching staff, our support staff, our children’s families and most importantly, our fabulous pupils. Wednesday evening was a very proud moment in the life of our school.
On Thursday we welcomed Tony and Julie from Forgewood Housing. They came to school to find out the views of our young people living in Forgewood. Well done to all involved. It is great to see the views of our young people being given priority within the local community.
Friday morning our football team headed off to North Lanarkshire Council Active School Football Tournament. They returned victorious. Celebration photographs on the App. Congratulations to Willie, our fabulous coach, and all the team. The trophy has pride of place in our trophy cabinet, come in and have a look. I’m sure you’ll be impressed.
On Friday we held our annual Lenten Charity Sponsored Event, again specific information on the App. An amazing £3650.40 raised. This is an outstanding display of generosity, thanks to all who contributed.
Special mention to Miss Love and our Playground Patrol who braved the weather all day long to ensure all pupils in school and nursery enjoyed their playground games, playing safely and fairly.
Last Friday our donations to Motherwell Foodbank weighed in at over 600kg! Again, absloutely amazing. Motherwell Foodbank has posted a lovely tribute to our school on their Facebook page.
Meanwhile, along in the nursery, as always, they’re busy, busy, busy.
A big thank you to all parents/carers who were able to attend parent’s week. We appreciate your continued support.
This week as we come to the end of our ‘Body’ topic the children have been making their own obstacle course outside to improve their balancing skills. During our Friday fundraiser they used their bodies in many different ways. Have a look at the photographs to see what they have been doing.
Outdoors they have started to play some ring games listening for the words that sound the same.
In Literacy they have been singing traditional nursery rhymes and reading the story ‘Cheer up, Chicken.’ This story challenges the children to spot the rhyming words in the story.
In numeracy they have been listening to some nursery rhymes on the Smartboard and participating in number sequencing games.
Last week in snack smoothies were very popular and they were the request of the week especially the banana ones. Yum Yum!
Spring has sprung in the art area where the children made chicks from their own handprints. Spring and Easter will continue over the next few weeks.
Play on Pedals continues as the Bluebells gain more confidence in their balancing skills.
As always, thanks for reading. Please leave a comment or two.
Mrs Shields