What a Finish!

Our last Blog of the year and what a fantastic way to finish the year:

Firstly HUGE congratulations to all in our wonderful nursery who won a well deserved ‘Runner Up’ place in Scotland’s Finest Woods Award. We were the only ‘urban’ town based nursery to reach the finals.

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We are so very proud of all in our nursery who have inspired and motivated all of our youngest pupils, our nursery staff, our school teaching staff and a number of parents/carers to explore a wonderful world of learning in the great outdoors. Mrs Margaret Mary Murphy ( pioneer of Forest Kindergarten in our nursery and school) and Mrs Mary Little attended the Royal Highland Show yesterday  in Edinburgh along with two of our forest stars and ‘grandy’! A great day was had by all and we proudly left with our Runner Up wooden plaque, a fabulous wooden microscope (for studying the ‘beasties’) a cheque for £250 and HUGE SMILES. A very proud day indeed.

More smiles all round on Thursday as we celebrated our annual Leaver’s Mass and Primary 7 Graduation. More very proud, memorable moments. Our primary seven pupils have been great ambassadors for our school, setting a very high standard in academic achievement, spiritual development and social and emotional growth. The Mass was beautiful with our whole school coming together to celebrate with our P7s. Well done to all in Primary Seven, we wish you the very best of everything in the years to come.

A number of children were recognised for their individual achievements:

David Colville Medal
Marc Findlay & Esme Colenso

George Smith Award for Endeavour
Aidan Murphy & Morgan Rotchford

Yeomanry Memorial Award for Citizenship
Jeffthan Ofosuhene & Sophie McCool

Morgan Sindall for Sportsmanship
Ryan Winton & Ellie O’Sullivan

Pat Connelly Award for Academic Excellence
Katie Hendry (P7a)
Abigail Reddington (P7b)
Thomas Colenso (P7c)

A lovely morning was enjoyed by all, thanks to all who came along to celebrate with our young people. Here’s a wee flavour of all the fun!

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At our Leaver’s Mass we also presented our Charities Cheques.  Throughout the year, most specifically during the season of Lent our whole school community come together to raise funds to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Our children are renound for their generosity and this year is no different, we have donated a tremendous amount of money throughout the year. At our Mass we presented cheques to St. Andrew’s Hospice , SCIAF, MISSIO, Gorsilaure, Lanarkshire Cancer Care, Let The Children Live Foundation, Lepra & Cathedral Soup Kitchen.

In addition we have contributed to £1300 being raised for Christian Aid through our choir singing at a local concert, working with our friends and neighbours in Firpark Primary together we have raised £1600.00 through our joint campus MacMillan Cancer Care Coffee morning. Our school is also now a partnership school with our local foodbank sending a huge range of required food stuff & toiletries to our locale. Wow! Well done boys and girls, what fantastic citizens you are helping those less fortunate both at home and abroad. Here are the presentations:

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Thursday afternoon we celebrated more sporting success with our P7 boys football team who were victorious in the Active Schools Football League. Champions all round.

Finally on Friday we began our 3 Day Event, and what an opening ceremony. Our pupils danced, spun, tumbled, sang and impressed everyone with their skills and talents. We all enjoyed a fabulous day on Friday. Huge thanks to our Health Committee for all their work, to Mrs Duffy, Mrs Loose, Miss Love and all of our support staff who worked tirelessly to ensure all was organised and ready for the day. Thanks also to all classes and teachers who actively participated in all of the fun and to our wonderful group of parent helpers who assisted on Friday. Mr John Quinn came along to photograph the events, we’ll get a link to the photographs to you via our APP.

Now, you may think it’s all over……it’s not!

Monday and Tuesday we will enjoy a whole range of sporting activities and medal winning opportunities. Such great work in our school and such a super way to end what has been a most successful and productive year.

As always, thanks for reading our Blog, I wish you all a lovely summer.

Mrs Shields – A VERY PROUD Head Teacher