The GREATEST Primary One

This week has been dominated by the wonderful display of learning from our Primary One pupils. Primary One Assembly is always a highlight of our year, and this year was no different. Our youngest school pupils danced, sang, recited and thoroughly enjoyed displaying such a wide range of talents and skills. Assemblies are such a wonderful platform to disseminate excellent learning in a meaningful and memorable manner.

Primary One were amazing, the hall was filled with thrilled parents and wider family, extremely proud staff and very happy Primary One pupils. It truly was a wonderful morning. A HUGE thanks to all involved, in particular Mrs McCarthy, Mrs McLaughlan, Mrs Shevlin, Miss Falconer, Miss Bain, Mrs McCoy and Mrs Campbell, to all parents and carers but most of all to our fine young pupils who are all stars.

Thursday of this week we were very disappointed when the National Schools Mass celebrating 100 years of Catholic Education has to be cancelled. The extreme weather forced organisers to, quite rightly, err on the side of caution and cancel the Mass scheduled to take place at Falkirk Stadium. Well done to Primary Seven for all their preparation and hard work, it will not go to waste. We now look forward to our annual Leaver’s Mass this coming Thursday. An opportunity for Primary Seven to shine and for all in our school community to demonstrate their support and encouragement for our P7 leavers.

On Monday our girls football teams took part in the inter schools competition, held on our pitch. Well done to our girls team who did us proud, not only through their football skills but by their excellent behaviour and the warm welcome they extended to all visiting schools. Thank you girls.

Meanwhile….the excitement continues in our wonderful nursery:

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Last Friday our pre-school children celebrated their graduation from nursery to BIG school literary with A BANG! Each child was interviewed on the big graduation chair by Mrs Shields and asked what they wanted to be when they were all grown up. A slideshow of their chosen professions played alongside. The children sang their hearts out and made their parents very proud. The children chose some of their songs from previous topics and ‘Jump Start Johnny’ for their finale. The children asked if their parents/carers and visitors could join in. This was a fabulous ending to a wonderful performance.
As we say goodbye to our pre-school children we also said goodbye to our butterflies this week which had emerged from their cocoons on Monday. We released them back into their natural habitat to start the cycle all over again. The butterflies circled the nursery before heading off into the sunset. The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking care of and observing this fabulous natural transformation.

As we near the end of term can all lending library books be returned to the bookcase in the cloakroom. Thank You in advance.