All Change!

This week our primary seven pupils headed off for their two day visit to High School. I am delighted to report Mr Lang, DHT at Our Lady’s High commented:

‘The P7s were fantastic and I think they had a great time’

I’m happy to confirm they did indeed have a great time and came back to our school filled with enthusiasm and excitement for their new educational venture in August. Well done primary seven.

Whilst the P7s were away those of us back at OLGA Cathedral had a wee change over time too. On Tuesday afternoon there was great excitement as our pupils all got to visit their new classrooms and spend time with their proposed new teacher.  Our boys and girls (and teachers) all enjoyed a lovely afternoon exploring their new ‘island’ and getting to know their teachers. Please note there may be a change or two to this arrangement due to further staffing developments., on Thursday of this week Miss Melissa Forsyth came to visit our school, Miss Forsyth will join us as a class teacher next session, we welcome her to our school community.

Wednesday was all change for our nursery as they enjoyed their annual BIG BONANZA DAY and what a day it was, here’s Mrs Murphy to tell us all about it:

This week has been a superb week at nursery with the weather being outstanding. Big Bonanza Day on Wednesday was a huge success with the afternoon children taking part in the following races, egg and spoon, sack race, wheelbarrow race and 3 legged races. While the morning children had fun at the beach party. Face painting, beat the goalie, Hula music, ice cream and the big bouncy castle. Please have a look at all the different events the children experienced this wee. All the children had a wonderful time and went home happy and very tired. As did the staff!

A little reminder. The morning children will take part in their sports day on Tuesday.

Photographs of our graduation will follow next week.

A huge thanks to Mrs Marie Clare Dufy, DHT for organising all of the events, to our fabulous nursery staff and to their ‘special helpers’ on the day. Mrs Murphy, Mrs McDerment, Mrs McCulloch & Mrs Munro, all of whom are normally based in primary 7! All change for the day indeed. A special thanks also to Shane, Oliwier and Andrew our 3 primary seven pupils who are off to neighbouring High Schools and were great helpers on Bonanza Day.

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Meanwhile on Friday, as Mrs Murphy mentioned, our proud pre-schoolers graduated from our nursery, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. What a fabulous celebration we enjoyed both AM and PM. Well done to all of our nursery graduates, you are wonderful. Photographs and a full run down coming next week.

We look forward to our final few weeks in school, please keep in touch and let us know your thoughts and opinions.

Mrs Shields