Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to everyone for our final school term.

Throughout the week we have all been very busy working hard in our classes.

Some changes to our school personnel:

We have created additional Senior Management Posts making best use of our PEF funding to provide excellent expertise and additional opportunities for our children.

Mrs Marie Clare Duffy (previously Principal Teacher) continues in her role as Acting Depute Head Teacher with additional responsibility for Health & Wellbeing

Mrs Brenda McCoy (previously Principal Teacher) has been appointed as an additional Acting Depute Head Teacher with responsibility for Literacy

To ‘back-fill’ both of these Principal Teacher posts Miss Stephanie Love and Mrs Leanne Tominey have been successful at interview and are now both Acting Principal Teachers with additional responsibility for Playground Resources & Organisation and Library.

Congratulations to all 3 new appointments, I am confident our school community will greatly benefit from their expertise. I anticipate a real drive forward in our school in all aspects of learning & teaching.

‘Cathedral Dolphins’ As part of our PEF funding we created opportunity for P3 pupils, alongside their parents, to build water confidence. Using Firpark pool we have employed a swimming coach and lifeguard to work with our P3 pupils each Tuesday afternoon. This wonderful, unique learning has been recognised by North Lanarkshire Council and our ‘Dolphins’ have been short listed for an Excellence and Equity Award! Brilliant work, we are delighted to have our school recognised in this most prestigious manner.

Thursday morning brought great excitement with a number of our pupils arriving at school on ‘The Bonkers Bus’

Riley Lafferty in P4 won this opportunity for him and a number of his friends in a Radio competition, well done Riley. As you can see below great fun was had by all including ‘Bonnie’ The Official Glasgow 2018 Mascot.

What a great way to arrive in style!

This week our nursery pupils are ‘Spring-ing’ into action, watch this space next week for details of their work.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read the Blog, let us know your thoughts.

Mrs Shields