Not just one wedding, two on the same day!

Our youngest pupils enjoyed a fabulous culmination of their Aladdin Topic on Friday, here’s Mrs MM Murphy with all the news:

On Monday the children went on a hunt to look for Aladdin posters throughout the school. When they got to the drama room they found Aladdin and he told the children that he was searching for Jasmine. The searched continued with the children’s help and at the top of the stairs they found an invitation to the wedding. Aladdin was very excited and the search continued. The children continued their search and when they got to the palace in the P7 bay there she was. Jasmine was very pleased to see Aladdin.

The children returned to the playroom eager to tell the other children about their findings and the wedding invitation.
This inspired a huge discussion about what preparations were needed to host a wedding in the nursery.
The children decided to make a Palace out of junk for the wedding to take place.They gathered a range of resources and paint and made a whole city of Palaces which is proudly displayed at the entrance of the playroom.

In art they made Jasmine crowns and some Aladdin Fezzes.

They had a wedding food taster in the snack where they tried falafel for the very first time.

They also made a wedding cake for the happy couple to cut.
In music they listened and danced to music from a range of different cultures.

Outdoors they all took part in an Aladdin assault course to improve their fitness, balance co-ordination and speed skills to prepare them for the wedding danceathon!

Over in the writing area they sequenced the story to help them arrange the wedding and in numeracy the challenge of the week was matching the gold coins with the numbered magic lamps.

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On Friday the big day arrived. Everyone turned up in their finery to celebrate the wedding. All of a sudden the music started to play ‘Prince Ali’ and in came Aladdin carrying his magic lamp. The music stopped and the wedding march replaced it and Jasmine entered followed by the ring bearer. The ceremony took place and the children cheered and sang along to ‘A Whole New World’. They then sat down around their very own group flying carpets to taste the wedding fayre. Jasmine and Aladdin visited each group to thank them for coming and when they had spoken to all their guests the party started. The children danced away to Disney songs and cultural songs for the rest of the session. The Wedding/danceathon was a huge success. All the children went home with a piece of wedding cake.

This week in school has been dominated by Aladdin final rehearsals, costume fittings, scenery completion, lighting and sound being installed, face paints being trialled…..It’s all so exciting.

Can’t wait for our show on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th at 1.30pm and 7.00pm

REMINDER: All P5 P6 & P7 pupils should have their costumes in school. All children require black gym shoes and black jogging bottoms or leggins. School has purchased a T shirt for every pupil, this will form the top half of most costumes and children can take them home as a souvenir following our final performance on Wednesday evening. All pupils from P5 through to P7 are required to be in school by 6.15pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday evening.

Friday was our final Lenten charity event our Disney Dance-a-thon. Many thanks to Mrs Loose and Miss Love who danced all day! A wonderful time was had by all. Details of all monies raised will be published on the App this week. Many thanks to all who contributed.

Here’s a wee look at some of our pupils ‘in action’.

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Lent is a time of reflection, one of our P7 pupils has excelled in her approach to this, have a read below. Both words and illustration were completed at home in her own time.

This is the final Blog prior to Easter, please remember school and nursery close at 2.30pm on Thursday.

On behalf of all in our school community I wish you a Happy and Holy Easter.

School and nursery resume on Monday 16th April.

Mrs Shields