Busy, Busy, Busy

What a busy week!

Monday morning assembly was a unique occasion.

Firstly our representatives for ‘2018 The year of Young People’ addressed our school community encouraging all to participate in a competition being run to encourage Safer Internet. Thomas Colenso and Shane McGhee represented our school at North Lanarkshire Council launch day and then addressed the whole school community on how best we take this forward. Thomas and Shane were excellent ambassadors for our school, well done boys. We look forward to the competition entries from each class. Thanks to Miss Love who is co-coordinating all of this work.

Next to speak (well actually sing, dance and rap) were our Health and Enterprise Committees who have joined together to plan and prepare our Lenten Charities events. The two committees gave a fabulous rendition of ‘We are Charity’ (you may recognise the tune as We are Family) describing our 5 Freaky Fridays throughout Lent when we look to help others less fortunate than ourselves and also come together in a fun way as a school community. Well done to all on the committees so ably led by Miss Cawley, Mrs Loose and Miss Love. Some very special representatives from our nursery came along to listen to the outline of our Lenten Charities and then cascaded the information back to all their friends in the nursery, what a clever group of pre-school children we have! Well done to our youngest pupils.

Finally we celebrated a wonderful win with our Junior Road Safety Officers, Hazel Nugent and Ryan Winton revealing our school had won the overall slogan competition to encourage safety whilst cycling. Three of our P7 girls; Laura McCann, Abigail Reddington and Morgan Rotchford had written the winning slogan which will be used across the authority. Each of the girls receives a £20 voucher for Argos. Well done to the girls, to our Junior Road Safety Officers and to Mrs Carr who leads this wonderful team. The winning slogan is:

Cycle smart, cycle bright, wear a helmet and a flashing light

On Wednesday morning our upper school pupils were invited to a seminar delivered by Mr George McAleenan on ‘Let the Children Live’ one of our charities. This provided great insight for our children and let them in no doubt the money they raised is truly helping children across the world. A humbling experience.

Continuing on our Lenten theme a team of representatives from the Health and Enterprise Committees were invited to visit Motherwell Food Bank to see first hand how much our supplies are required. A wonderful learning experience for our pupils which demonstrated how our assistance is required so close to home. Food Bank donations week is Week 3 of our Lenten Charities Appeal.

Meanwhile, up in Primary 5 lots of interesting developments. Our teaching kitchen has become home to 3 incubators which house hundreds of soon to be brown trout. As part of Clyde in the Classroom Topic (which has to be one of the most interesting and inspirational topics for our children) P5c are entering the Video competition. They are busy editing their work just now but here’s a few pics of what’s to come.

Friday morning Primary Three treated us all to an experience which was quite simply ‘Out of This World’. Their assembly was amazing. The children have learned so much and confidently shared their learning through song, dance, movement and such humour. Unfortunately I was unable to be there, however, Mrs Campbell’s quote. ‘ Primary Three Assembly was a triumph, the children in our school are fabulous’. A wonderful accolade. Well done to all in P3 and a special thanks to Mrs Gillespie, Miss Donnelly and Miss McAvoy for their hard work. Thanks also to the large number of parents and families who came along to support and encourage the children, as always, attendance was amazing.

A final thanks to Mr John Quinn, Grace’s dad, who came along to photograph the event. You can download the photographs by clicking on the link below, alternatively copy and paste.


Here’s a wee sneaky peek:

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Throughout Friday our first of 5 Freaky Events took place ‘Run for a Penny Run for a Pound’. Many thanks to all who donated £1 towards our Lenten Appeal, your generosity is much appreciated. Mrs Loose captured some of the action:

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And now for the all the latest from our youngest pupils. Let’s hear what’s been happening in our fabulous nursery Mrs MM Murphy has the weekly round up:

The children have been celebrating Chinese New year in style. They created a restaurant, a menu and role-played customers, waiters and the cook.

Each group visited the restaurant to experience a taste of Chinese food. They had noodle soup, noodles and prawn crackers. Lola’s mum provided some sweet Chinese treats for them to try.

They listened to the story of Nian the dragon and recalled the events in the story. In art they made fabulous lanterns which they took home.

Outdoors the children went on a treasure hunt looking for red and gold envelopes that symbolises good fortune. In numeracy they scribed Chinese numbers and did some Chinese writing in the literacy area.

Lola and Lilly’s mum came into to visit the children to tell them all about the family celebrations at this special time of year. They told the children that it was the year of the dog and worked out that the 3 yr olds were born in the year of the horse and the 4 yr olds were born in the year of the snake. The children listened carefully while Lily sang a song and counted 1-10 in Chinese.They even had a go at singing the song. At the end the children were all given a red and gold envelope and they were told of the importance of the colour of the envelope.
Lola’s mum explained that Gong Hey Fat Choy means good health in the new year. After the visit the children joined together and performed the dragon dance throughout the nursery. They all took their envelopes home with a surprise in it.

The challenge of the week returned this week and the children have been eager to participate in this different activity. These challenges will continue each week.
This week we have been discussing our new topic. Watch out next week to see what it is.

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As always, thanks for taking the time to read our Blog, leave a comment or two to let us know your thoughts and any ideas for improvement.

Mrs Shields