
What a magnificent performance from our P1, P2 & P3 children. They were outstanding. A huge thanks to all of our infant children, all of the staff in our school and to you as parents/carers for assisting with line learning, costumes and most importantly coming along to support our wonderful pupils.

We are indebted to Mr John Quinn for giving of his time, talent and skill to record our show in such a professional manner. The photographs are fabulous.

As promised, here is the link to photographs.

Just copy and paste. Each photo has a download option button at the top of each picture.

Meanwhile, here’s a wee taster:

Next week our Blog will focus on ‘One Night in Bethlehem’ our Upper School Carol Concert and the following week we will concentrate on ‘Santa’s Hat’ our nursery production.

As always, thanks for reading. If you were in the audience of our Infant Nativity please leave a comment, we’d love to hear what you thought of this fabulous show.

Mrs Shields

2 thoughts on “Stargazers”

  1. Fantastic performance from all the kids at the Stargazers show. A full house enjoyed a great wee show. So many happy smiling faces on stage. Fantastic.

  2. A wonderful performance from all children. The children sang beautifully- a joy to watch. Well done to all involved. Great way to begin Christmas preparations.

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