A Super Sponsored Spooky Sing-a-long.


Please note this coming week there are a few changes to our menu in line with North Lanarkshire Council we will be participating in Scottish Schools Meals Week from Tuesday through to Friday of this week. Here’s what’s on offer:

Tuesday 31st October:

RED – Roast Beef, Mash & Veg

GREEN – Quorn Sausage, Waffles & Beans (v)

Wednesday 1st November: MEAT FREE DAY

RED – Quorn Chicken Tikka & Rice

GREEN – Chees/Tomato Pizza with Coleslaw & Salad

Thursday 2nd November:

RED – Hot Dog with Soup or Dessert

GREEN – Tomato Pasta, garlic Bread & Veg (v)

Friday 3rd November:

RED – Fish, Chips & Peas

GREEN – Cheese Toastie & Salad (v)

And now for all the news……

A wonderful week in school and nursery culminating in a great day on Friday filled with singing, dancing and having fun. Each stage had a slot in the gym hall where they danced and sang along to creepy karaoke.

Our P7 pupils enjoyed quality time with their P1 buddies whilst our P2 & P3 pupils acted as leaders for our nursery pupils. A wonderful way for our children to meaningfully engage as responsible citizens.

The slide show below gives you a flavour of the day.

By Friday afternoon our sponsor money had reached £1953.00, a fabulous boost to school funds, many thanks to all pupils and staff for their energy, enthusiasm and great sense of community.

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A special mention to Gerry in P4 for his outstanding spooky homework task, fantastic effort and to Jude in P3 whose solo performance on stage ‘thrilled’ the whole audience.

One other item to report. Our footballers are the proud new owners of fabulous ‘go faster, performance enhancing’ football strips!

Here’s the handsome models:


Hopefully they’ll remember to put their football boots on before they hit the pitch!

This coming week we have Mass in OLGA Cathedral Church on Wednesday 1st November at 10.00am celebrating the Feast of All Saints. In the interest of safety I have opted to transport all children from P1 through to P7 by bus. Please come to Church and join with us in this most important feast day of the Church year.

As always, thanks for taking the time to access HT Blog and please leave a comment or two. We love to hear from you.

Mrs Shields

One thought on “A Super Sponsored Spooky Sing-a-long.”

  1. The children/staff look great and I now have half a clue as to who will be knocking my door tomorrow night! Appreciate you taking the trouble to compile this each week.

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