Starting with the little ‘uns

Our nursery this week:

A very eggciting time is happening down in our nursery class. Mr Delaney from the Educational Egg programme arrived in the nursery with 15 eggs and an incubator. He brought props and transferred information on to our computer to help the children understand the ‘Life Cycle of a Chicken’ He numbered all the eggs and the children made a chart to record which egg would hatch first. Mrs little and the children prepared the chicken coup with the heated box on Friday and we hope that we will have some additions to our nursery next week.

In the art area the children made a nest from straw, made clay models of chicks and made a mother hen from wire and collage. The mother hen is proudly sitting on her eggs in the display in the art area.
This week the children continued to explore a range of art materials and have been busy creating a papier mache egg.

In the writing area they have been scribing words ‘hatched, cracked, incubator and coup’. They are preparing the wall to display all their new language on. They continue to sing songs relating to the topic.

In numeracy they have been sequencing the ‘Life Cycle of a Chicken’ and comparing sizes. They have been watching the whole process on the SmartBoard.

Outdoors the children have been discussing where foods come from and have been sorting them into healthy and unhealthy foods using our fun food boards.

On Wednesday the children took part in Clubbercize for their final fundraising activity this year. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the fun we all had.

Back by popular demand is the ‘Challenge of the Week’. Each week the children will have the opportunity to challenge themselves through a variety of activities. Look out for the special gold challenge of the week stickers.

Meanwhile the bigger ‘uns have been very busy working extremely hard to jump into June and finish our school year with a bang.

Lots of celebrations and exciting events:

1+2 Language Awards, from 187 entries our school had three children nominated as finalists, in categories of Most Enthusiastic Modern Language Learner P1-3 and then P4-7 and also most successful Multi Lingual Learner. Congratulations to our three representatives. Congrats also to Madame Ali who has created a wonderful multi lingual community within our school inspiring our children to learn in French and Spanish. Madame Ali’s work is exceptional, trés bien Madame.

Our Ibike crew along with Mrs Carr has been very busy out and about in Motherwell participating in Cycle Road Race on 23rd May, well done to all involved.

Huge thanks to the great number of parent helpers who came along to assist and to take part, great support and fabulous example to our children to ‘get on their bikes!’

Our netball teams have also been in action this week enjoying a ‘friendly’, albeit a competitive friendly with Muir St Primary teams.

Enormous well done to our netballers who displayed great skill, sportsmanship and offered a warm welcome to our visiting teams. Thanks also to Miss Caitlin McEwan, P.E teacher from Firpark Primary who trains our teams and gave so willingly of her own time after school to referee the matches. A brilliant example of true team spirit in our campus!


Our Come Clubbersize @ Cathedral sponosred event was a huge success. We’ve raised over 3000 pounds! what a magnificent amount of money going directly to children in our locale, in Scotland, in UK and all over the world, who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Big thanks especially to the great number of parents who came along to join in the fun and to our Clubbersize Crew: Mrs Rimmer, Miss Donnelly & Miss Love.

As always, thanks for reading, please leave a comment or two or three….

Mrs Shields

One thought on “Starting with the little ‘uns”

  1. A fantastic amount of sponsorship raised by the Come Clubersize @ Cathedral, so many will benefit from this money raised in such a fun way.

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