The Week we Lost Primary 7 : (

This was an exciting week, most particularly for our Primary Seven pupils who all left us for their two day visit to High School. They all returned now desperate to be First Year pupils, which is great but also quite sentimental. I am delighted all pupils showed themselves at their best, all made most impressive first impressions. Well done Primary Seven, we are very proud of you.

On Monday evening, Mrs Carr accompanied our Fantastic Netballers to an area competition. They came back with trophy in hand! A wonderful first place, brilliant work from our netball team, both boys and girls. Well done, well played and a huge thanks to Mrs Carr for taking the time to accompany the children (and cheer them on too).

Wednesday was our Annual Nursery Bonanza Day, where our PM children join us for a whole day at nursery. This was a great day; fabulous weather, wonderful activities and great excitement abounded. Big thanks to all nursery staff who worked tirelessly throughout the whole day without a break and to our Primary Seven staff who generously gave of their time to assist whilst their pupils visited High School. A fabulous OLGA team effort. Having this day ensures our PM children have their full entitlement of 600 hours at nursery per year and allows our school community to finish altogether when we have an early finish prior to holidays.

Thursday Mgr. Millar and Canon O’Mahoney came in to school to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to our Primary Three boys and girls. Thanks to our ever supportive clergy who greatly enhance the spiritual development of all in our school.

Friday was an exciting day when our final end of year reports were issued and our pupils discovered their new classes and forthcoming teachers.

This is how our classes will look next session:

Class Roll Teacher Base Class Name
P1a 19 Julie McCarthy


Blue Skye
P1b 20 Claire Gillespie


Blue Bute
P1c 20 Colette Laird


Blue Coll
P1d 21 Nicola McLaughlan Blue Iona
P2a 24 Dolores Blaney/Debbie Rimmer Blue Mull
P2b 23 Stephanie Love Green Staffa
P2c 23 Pauline Findlay Green


P3a 25 Theresa Cawley Green Islay
P3b 25 Lynn Gillies


Green Jura
P3c 24 Susan Murphy Green


P4a 30 Jacqueline McDerment Purple Eriskay
P4b 30 Caroline McAvoy Purple Scalpay
P4/5 25 Jacqueline Carr Purple Kerrera
P5a 31 Laura Irwin Purple Taransay


P5b 27 Leanne Tominey Purple St. Kilda


P6a 31 Jacqueline Murphy/Lisa Cassidy Yellow Benbecula
P6b 30


Monica Donnelly Yellow Barra
P6/7 24 Katie Loose Yellow South Uist


P7a 28 Jillian Green (Shevlin) Yellow Lewis
P7b 29 Jacqueline McCulloch Yellow Harris

Meanwhile, down in the nursery………. A picture tells a thousand words.

A blog all in photographs this week for a wee change.

A Very Busy Fun week at nursery this week.

Final Forest Kindergarten Graduation, Big Bonanza day and Sports Day.

Let the photographs tell the story.

Have fun looking at all the photographs from each event.


That’s all folks!

Please leave a comment or two….

Mrs Shields


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