Event after Event after Event…..What a Week!!!!

Please note this is the final nursery blog but school one will continue next week with details and photos of Three day Event and P7 Graduation.

A HUGE thanks to Mrs Margaret Mary Murphy our Lead Early Years Practitioner who takes the time to blog with me each weekend. Enjoy a well earned rest Mrs Murphy.

We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties – photographs are coming little by little…be patient with us. Please.


Wow! This week has been amazing, we have whirled through from Monday to Friday with so many things happening….here goes:


Mrs Margaret Reilly (HT Firpark Primary), Mr Ian Bulloch (AKA Janny) and myself found ourselves ensconced in the library as a panel of judges to decide upon this year’s Public Speaking Award Winner. Well done to all 9 of our finalists who spoke eloquently, made us laugh and gave fabulous renditions of their Seven Years at our School. The quality of the speeches and the technology used to enhance their talks was extremely high. We had a very difficult time deciding on just one winner – however after much deliberation we came to a unanimous decision. The winner will be awarded his/her trophy on Friday at Graduation Ceremony. A huge thanks to all who aprticipated and to Mrs Reilly and Mr Bulloch for taking the time to adjudicate.

Monday evening we were invited to join our P7 pupils and their parents at a Mass of Welcome in Our Lady’s High School. At this event our P7 pupils were given opportunity to come together with the new Sixth Year students who will be their buddies in High School. This was a lovely Mass and it was so lovely to see so many of our former pupils now ‘all grown up’ and looking so proud to be sixth year students. Thanks to all who attended, and thanks to OLHS for the opportunity to attend.


Primary Seven pupils set off for their first day of transistion to Our Lady’s High School. nervous and excited they set off for their first step to their secondary education.

Primary Three pupils set off for a day at the Science Centre in Glasgow to bring their fabulous topic of Space to a wonderful conclusion. Thanks to all parent helpers who came along to support the children. A wonderful day was had by all.

Primary Six pupils all set off for a Triathalon Experience. This was a super day and a unique experience for our pupils. Thanks, once again, to our faithful parent helpers who came along to assist with supervision. Thanks also to Mr John Quinn (Amanda’s dad) who came along to photograph the event. The photographs are amazing and clearly capture the fabulous day enjoyed by all.

Please follow the link below to view photographs:


Here’s a flavour of some of them…..


Once again we waved goodbye to our Primary Seven pupils as they set off for day two at Our Lady’s High. Every pupil returned enthused and inspired by their two day visit with a positive mental attitude to make this next huge step in their education.

This was a unique day in school it was our first ever Nursery Bonanza Day. On this day we invited our PM nursery children to come and join us for the whole day. And come they did.

The sun shone, the PM nursery pupils were so excited to be spending a whole day in nursery (there were lots of excited, happy parents and grandparents too!). It was a super day, so well organised and such fun. A HUGE thanks to Mrs Duffy and the nursery staff for organising all of exciting events. Thanks also to our Primary Seven staff who were thrown in at the deep end and spent the day with 3 & 4 year olds as opposed to their 10 & 11 year olds – as I said a unique experience.

This day will be an annual event, this allows us to ensure all children have their 600 hours entitlement at nursery and it keeps our school and nursery community as one whereby at the end of each term we can all finish together as a community.

Here’s a taster of just some of the events….


We took time to breathe!!!!!!!!


Nursery Graduation Day – one of the highlights of my year. Being very selfish I love this event. It is wonderful to see all of our pre-school children on stage so confident and happy. They all ahppily came forward and told us all their hopes and aspirations for the future – absolutely brilliant. Their chosen careers ranged from nurse, vet, princess, spiderman, road cleaner to dragon rider (my favourite).

This was a fabulous event both AM and PM. Once again we owe a vote of thanks to Mr John Quinn (Grace’s dad) who took many wonderful photographs. Please follow the link below to view the photographs:


Here’s a wee taster of some of the fabulous photography…


Incredibly there is still more to celebrate. Here’s Mrs Murphy’s nursery news….


This week has been an exceptionally busy week in nursery with the nursery hosting their very first ‘Big Bonanza Day’ where the afternoon children spent the whole day at nursery. The weather was very kind to us all and the children had a ball. This is what they got up to during their funfilled day.

On the pitch the children took part in the egg and spoon race, the sack race, the wheelbarrow race, the 3 legged race and of course the ever popular running race.

This was thirsty work in the hot sunny weather and they then sat in the shade and enjoyed their juice and ice cream.

They then moved on to the events in the playground which consisted of ‘Sticky Kids’ exercises, fun with the parachute, obstacle course, space hopper bouncing and the mobile playground which was a huge hit.

The children had a well earned rest and lunch was provided in the dining hall. After lunch the children returned to nursery to enjoy the ‘Beach Party’ They limbo danced to music, hooked a duck/fish in the pond, splashed in the paddling pool and bounced away on the bouncy castle. They enjoyed hotdogs and chocolate strawberries and marshmallows from the chocolate fountain. All went home tired but happy after a fantastic day. Feedback from parents has been great as their children went to bed early and slept all night. I think this was the case for some of the staff too!

The morning children experienced the same activities the beach party on Wednesday morning and the sports day on Thursday morning.

On Friday the nursery graduation took place on the big stage. The children were fantastic and sang their chosen songs from their farm topic and got a chance to sit on the big graduation chair where they told Mrs Shields what they wanted to be when they grow up. This is always a fun part of the graduation as the photographs dressed up in what they want to be when they grow up don’t often correspond to what they say on the day. Each child received a certificate and a school tie. The ceremony ended with the song ‘Primary One Here We Come’ a great song to end this special occasion and one that always brings a tear to the eye!

Once again many thanks for reading.

Please feel free to comment.

Mrs Shields

One thought on “Event after Event after Event…..What a Week!!!!”

  1. This weeks blog particularly captures the almost exhaustive diversity and intensity of activities being provided for the children by the staff. The consequential varied learning opportunities for the children goes without saying.Think its a very useful snapshot and catch up of school life on a weekly basis and showcases what a great school and staff we have working for our children. Great that the time and effort is taken to put this blog together and I think it really captures a healthy, happy and dynamic school atmosphere. Marvelous.

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