Young Leaders

The Young Leader Training Sessions are a great introduction into leadership giving learners knowledge of how to organise and lead small games and activities that can be used as part of lunch time clubs. The Young Leader qualification aims to help learners develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of leading their peers and younger children.

Primary 7 children attended training sessions by Jenny Thomson, our new Active Schools Co-ordinator this term. They are now qualified to work as Young Leaders with small groups of children to lead lunch time clubs.

 Monday P1 – Fun Games

Tuesday P2 – Multi Sports

Wednesday P3 – Dance

Thursday P4 – Football

Although adult supervision is present at all times our Young Leaders are the ones leading, directing and implementing this unique learning experience. What a fantastic opportunity for our P7 pupils to demonstrate their leadership qualities and a great way for our younger children to learn.

Children teaching children – fabulous!

I am so very proud of our Primary Seven who are setting an excellent example to all in our school – and thoroughly enjoying the experience:  Philip Meikle, Joe Chambers, Ciaran Hendry, Johnny Devine, Kieran Allan, Nathan Walker, Aedan Dunne, Olivia Latimer, Lucy Tougher-Mitchell, Lucy Haggarty, Keara Watson, Megan Owens, Hannah Gallagher, Liam Knox, Mark Fitzpatrick, Luke Robertson, Henry Kyanda, Robbie Brown, Keir McGarry, Eva Winton, Joey Leach, Alicia Kearney, Sarah McCool, Sophie Galloway and Lucy Thompson, who are our Young Leader’s this term.

13 thoughts on “Young Leaders”

  1. Mrs duffy is amazing i love taking part in it it is great fun and thx to jenny for helping us with the training of it all

  2. This week was very fun to take the responsibility of being a young leader and getting to know the children who will be coming. My group and I are very excited for the weeks to come and can’t wait to teach our group new things !

  3. I am so happy that Mrs Duffy put this club together because it is so fun to work with the primary 1 children.

  4. Being a ‘Young Leader ‘ is a great opportunity for me and for all of my friends. Being able to teach a younger year group some skills that they might use later on in the year or when they get older is great fun. I love teaching new things to different people, what ever their age or ability they were all busting some moves by the end of the first lesson!! Thanks again Mrs Duffy for the opportunity we will be the new Diversity in no time 😀

    Megan Owens x

  5. This week was very fun getting to know the P3 kids better. Me and my group are very happy that we were given the responsibility to take our own lunchtime club. We have lots of fun things planned for the rest of the weeks of the club. We all had great fun last week and this week will hopefully be even better.

  6. It’s great being a young leader because we get to to teach the younger children our favourite games and we wouldn’t be doing this without the help from Mrs Duffy and Jen!!!

  7. I am so glad Mrs Duffy put this club together,it gives us a chance to know what it feel like to be a coach.

  8. Thanks to all young leaders for your commitment and enthusiasm this block. The training and lunchtime clubs provides a great opportunity for you all as young learners to gain knowledge of how to organize and lead small groups. You should all be very proud of your achievements. Shine your star!!

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