A short, but busy week!

Although we have had a short week, we’ve managed to cover a whole range of different learning opportunities both in and out of school!

On our inservice day, we focussed on 2 main areas of learning and teaching:  Big Writing & Homework, reviewing our new approaches to teaching writing and also our whole school approach to Homework.  More information regarding these areas of school will follow.

For ‘Anti-Bullying’ week, our Primary 6&7 pupils all experienced workshops, with all pupils in the school taking part in activities throughout the week.  we continue to celebrate Mass on Wednesday mornings, with senior pupils preparing readings each week.

On Thursday, Fr Millar and Deacon Tom celebrated Mass for our Confirmandi, during which time our new school Altar was blessed.  Fr Millar took time to teach us all about the Vestments and Altar vessels.  The Altar, which has been purchased for us by the parish, will be blessed again during our Saint Andrew’s Day Mass; please come along and celebrate our National Patron Saint, as well as sharing in the Eucharist.  Mass begins in school at 10.00am with Primary 2 leading the liturgy.

On Friday, our Primary 7 pupils delivered ‘shoeboxes’ for their Operation Shoebox appeal.  Working alongside pupils from Firpark, Primary raised money to purchase essential items for children in need. They’re sure to have a busy weekend too, as they pack for their week long outdoor residential trip to Kilbowie!

Coming up next week…

Primary 7 pupils are all off to Kilbowie – pupils should be in school at 8.30am…

We have our ‘Tartan Discos’ on Tuesday evening, organised by our Fabulous Fundraisers:  P1 – 3 from 5.45-6.45pm and P4 – 6 from 7.00 – 8.00pm.  Please note this change of time for P6 pupils.

Bag2 School Collection on Wednesday

Feast of Saint Andrew Mass in school at 10.00am

And now…the news from the Nursery!

A four day week but a very busy one as always in nursery. The children continue to practice their songs and actions for the Christmas show.

The new topic “Light and Dark” continues with the children watching the story of the “Owl Babies” on the SmartBoard. This is a very popular story as you will see from the activities the children have been participating in below. The children have put lots of information about the story and what they have learned into their group floor books.  Outside the children have continued to explore the dark den and have decided to turn it into a nest for the Owl Babies to live. The transformation will continue throughout the coming week.  In the literacy area they have been discussing the story and drawing pictures of the Owl Babies in fine detail. They also had the opportunity to listen to the story using a torch in the dark den.  Over in the expressive arts area they have painted the whole owl family and they stuffed tights and painted them brown to resemble branches for the owls to sit on. This display can be seen at the opposite end of the playroom, please take time to have a look at the hard work the children have put into this display. They also painted their own owl baby faces on paper plates to take home.

In the snack area they discussed the types of food that owls like from the story and the children made a list of all the hot food they would like to have for snack. This week they have made minestrone soup with star pasta, macaroni cheese and beans on toast. Comfort food now that the nights are fair drawin’ in!!

The maths/science area has been busy with the children exploring the lightbox and tracing different sources of light such as the moon, stars, torches, the sun and candles. The projector was used to project light onto the wall to show the children another source of light and they quickly realised that they could make shadows. Great fun was had by all. They played games on the SmartBoard where they had to find different sources of light and they watched “Can’t You sleep Little Bear?” another popular story about the dark.

On Friday the children took part in our wear blue day to highlight anti-bullying week. They made a mindmap of what they thought bullying was all about and what they should do. Both of these can be seen on the board in the cloakroom.