March marches in!

Our Last February week in school was one filled with preparation.

Catholic Education Week:

Throughout our school all classes worked very hard to learn more about how we can Shine The Light of Faith in our daily work and play. All aspects of our Good Work Wall this coming Monday will reflect the work carried out in our classes last week in respect of Catholic Education Week.  Please try to pop into the school and have a look at the Good Work Wall to see excellent examples of the creativity in each of our classes.

Ash Wednesday/Lent:

As a school we are preparing to begin the season of Lent. On Wednesday of this week we will all join together in O.L.G.A Cathedral Parish to celebrate Mass for Ash Wednesday. Please come and join us is you can. We are loking for volunteers to accompany our P4 to P7 pupils who will walk to church and to supervise our P1 to P3 pupils who will be bussed to Mass.

Date to remember: Wednesday 5th March 10.00am Mass in O.L.G.A Cathedral Church.

My Son Pinocchio:

All upper school pupils (P5 to P7) are very busy rehearsing for our forthcoming school show ‘ My Son Pinocchio’ which promises to be our best show ever.

Whilst Mrs McCoy directs all stage movement and dance routines, class teachers continue to rehearse songs both in classes and in bases. We met together on Friday to examine our progress to date and wow! The singing was amazing. Our upper school children are so incredibly enthusiastic and so determined to give of their best at all times. Truly admirable.

On Friday we also announced the winners of the ‘design a T shirt ‘ competition. The winners – whose design will form our costumes are:

Grace McLaughlin, Luke Robertson, Salwa Ahmad, Keira Rieley, Rachel Donnelly, Niah Welsh, Ciara Scullion, Jamie Sweeney and Hannah Townsley

Well done to all who participated, all work was completed at home in children’s own time, once again great commitment shown throughout the upper school.

Remember to keep the dates free to come along and enjoy the show:

Wednesday 2nd April & Thursday 3rd April at 1.30pm and 7.00pm.


Meanwhile Primary Three are busy preparing for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all pupils are using their workbooks as the main focus of their preparations whilst also learning two very important hymns, ‘Christ is my Light’ and ‘Whatsoever you do to the least of my Brothers’.

Please pray for our P3 children at this important time in their spiritual development.

Dates to remember:

St. Luke’s Reconciliation – Tuesday 11th March at 6pm

O.L.G.A Cathedral Reconciliation – Wednesday 12th March at 6pm

First Holy Communion:

Primary Four pupils are also now entering the intense preparation for their forhtcoming Sacramental Celebration, please also remember our P4 pupils in your prayers.

Important dates:

St Luke’s First Holy Communion Saturday 3rd May @ 12.00

O.L.G.A Cathedral First Holy Communion Saturday 10th & 17th May @ 12.00

Primary Two Assembly:

What a week for Primary 2 pupils and staff. Intense rehearsals for their Assembly on Friday. And what an assembly it was. Truly Magnificent and all about a load of rubbish!!!!!

An excellent message portrayed in a most ambitious, educational, fun way. I was amazed at the learning our pupils overtook to deliver all of this work without a note or a prompt in sight. Fabulous. I was so proud of our P2 pupils and their teachers. Important messages like ‘renew, reuse recycle’ can be delivered in class but when our young people show us this message in such a creative manner it is truly memorable and the message is remembered by all. Well done to all involved, and many thanks to so many parents who came along to support the children.

Primary One:

Chick, Chick, Chick ,Chick ,Chicken…..

This coming couple of weeks will be very quiet in Primary One. Shhhhh..

This Monday they take delivery of ‘living eggs’, which throughout the next fortnight we will all watch become fluffy little chicks.

Our wee chicks need a quiet environment as loud noises scare them.

Good luck in P1 little chicks!!! Watch this space for weekly updates.