Newmains News – 22nd April 2014

Dear Parent/Guardian 22nd April 2014

I hope you and your family enjoyed the Easter break. I can’t believe that we are now in the final term of this school year. 95% of parents attended our Parental Consultations last month to find out about their child’s learning and progress. Thank you to our parents who gave freely of their time to help at the Book Fair. Each class has been able to buy £47 worth of books for their libraries.

Learning Matters- Reporting Matters…
As you are aware the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence has resulted in changes to the way we report your child’s progress. Our school uses a format in line with advice from North Lanarkshire Council. You should receive your child’s report for this session in June. Our Primary 7 children will also be compiling a Profile for their transition to secondary education.

Positive Behaviour Matters…
As a school, we strongly believe in our school values and work hard to put them into action across and throughout the school. We do not trivialise the importance of good behaviour. We work exhaustively to do all that we can to support improvement for all. The school uses a strategy called “Going for Gold” to raise the self-esteem of our children and to promote positive behaviour. Children are expected to follow our GOLDEN rules:
1. We will follow instructions first time.
2. We will keep our hands, feet and unkind words to ourselves.
3. We will try our very best.
4. We will stay safe.
All children are expected to earn an allocated amount of time each day. All children in our school will be able to choose a special activity each Friday afternoon and will take part for the amount of time they have earned. If, however, a child does not keep to the GOLDEN Rules, they will be sent to a member of the school’s management team for a period of time. Please note that you will be informed by letter if your child has not earned their time on more than 3 occasions each term. If we have any concerns about your child’s behaviour we will contact you via a ‘Note of Concern’ or by a telephone call.

Spring Service Collection
Our church collection £139.20 will be donated to Cash for Kids.

Royal Rockstars will be bringing their exciting programme to our school on Monday 28th April. All pupils will be involved and will be working towards concert performances on Wednesday 7th May 2014 at 10.45am and 1.15pm. Tickets (£5) are strictly limited to 1 per family for 1 performance only and can be purchased through the school from Monday 28th April. See enclosed sheet for more details. Thank you for your support.
Attendance Matters….
National Standards of attainment and children’s progress are framed within the levels of study in Curriculum for Excellence and regular attendance at school. Please ensure your child is able to make good progress in their learning and development by ensuring they are at school and on time. We need your cooperation and support with this matter. Absences can add up before you know it!

90% attendance= ½ day missed every week!
1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons missed!

Our attendance for week ending 14th March was as follows:
In Primary 1 almost all pupils attended school. (99%)
In Primary 2 most pupils attended school. (86%)
In Primary 3 almost all pupils attended school. (96%)
In Primary 4 almost all pupils attended school. (91%)
In Primary 5 most pupils attended school. (86%)
In Primary 6 almost all pupils attended school. (95%)
In Primary 7 almost all pupils attended school. (94%)
Our current performance is 93%. This is up +5% on the statistics for the same time last year. We still remain 5% short of the target set by Scottish Government. (98%)

Commonwealth Baton
We recently received news that the real Commonwealth Baton would be visiting our school during its journey around Lanarkshire on Monday 23rd June. I will provide more details when I have them. The school has also planned for a visiting theatre group to perform ‘Collins Commonwealth Games’ on Friday 16th May 2014.

‘Some more Newmazing News’
Children in Primary 7 took part in a dance competition at Clyde Valley High last month. Nine schools took part. We are delighted to report that Newmains won again! Well done to the boys and girls and to Miss Keating who supported the children.
Health Matters
Please support the school to encourage your child to make sensible choices about what they eat and drink at school. As you are aware, fizzy drinks and sweets attack your child’s teeth and is a major factor in tooth decay.
The Importance of Physical Education
As you know Scottish Government guidelines are followed in our school. All children are entitled to receive 2 hours of Physical Education per week. P.E days are as follows: P1 Monday pm and Tuesday pm
P1/2 Wednesday pm and Friday am
P2/3 Wednesday pm and Friday am
P3 Tuesday am and Friday pm
P4 Monday pm and Thursday pm
P5 Tuesday pm and Wednesday am
P6 Monday am and Thursday am
P7 Monday am and Tuesday am
Safety Matters- School Buses (Transport)
Please note that you are responsible for the conduct of your child at all times when they travel on our school buses. Police Scotland visited the school last month to talk with the children about how to travel safely in vehicles. Please remember to apply for a Privilege pass for Session 2014/15. Forms can be collected from the School Office.
Parent Council News
The next meeting of the Parent council will be on Monday 12th May at 6.30pm in the school. I know the council would be delighted to see you if you could manage along. Please note that a fundraising event is planned to take place at Newmains Bowling Club at 7.30pm on Friday 30th May. We need your support!
REMINDERS- Please let the office know if you have moved house or changed your phone number. Holidays: We are closed on Monday 5th May. We are also closed on Friday 23rd and Monday 26th May. In-Service Day- We are closed on Tuesday 6th May for staff training.
Thank you for supporting all that we do!
Best wishes, E Clinton (Head Teacher)