9th May 2012
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our Parent Council met last night and it was decided that our School and Nursery Class will participate by walking on Saturday 9th June 2012. It was agreed that the theme for this occasion will be the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Children who attend the School are asked to wear a white t-shirt or polo shirt. Children who attend our Nursery class are asked to wear a red t-shirt or polo shirt. Please note that you are able to choose a suitable costume for this occasion too. ( Kings and Queens ) The Parent Council also plan to provide accessories for children who are taking part in this event. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Parent Council.
Thank you,
Head Teacher
1st May 2012
Dear Parents and Carers,
I can’t believe we are in the final term of the school year! Thank you for supporting the school to make preparations for the Gala Day. I will pass this information onto our Parent Council. Watch out for more information. Attendance performance for week ending 28th April was 91%. Please remember we are always aiming for 98%.
Newsletters- Reminder
Due to budget constraints and increased costs the school will only provides a newsletter if you have requested one. Please remember to check the ‘Newmains News’ section of our school website for regular news and updates. This also supports the school with our ECO work to REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE
News for P7 Parents- Keeping you informed
Transition dates for Coltness High are 29th and 30th May. Transition dates for Clyde Valley High School are 14th and 15th June. More information to follow, nearer the time. The date for our P7 disco is 19th June at St. Brigid’s Parish Centre 8-9.30pm.
Partnership with Parents
During the next week or so you will receive information from your child about what they will be learning this term and what you can do to support. Watch out for this in school bags.
Parent Council News
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on 8th May at 6.30pm in the staffroom. You are very welcome to join us! Minutes of the Parent Council meetings can now be accessed on our school website. A copy of the Parent Council Constitution can also be accessed there too! Please visit
Sports News: I would like to thank Mr McArthur and Gary Dempster for their continued support of our work. Indoor and outdoor Football Festivals are now planned on a more regular basis with other schools in the Wishaw area.
School Website
Our school website continues to grow and develop but remains work in progress. We are always looking for new ideas or helpful hints to improve it! Please get in touch with Miss Gray to let her know what should be included on our school website. Thank you!
Curriculum for Excellence- Interdisciplinary Learning
I thought I would share with you what your child’s focus of learning is for the final term at school:
Room 4: Animals and the Farm (science)
Room 9: Animals and the Farm (science)
Room 11: Light and Sound (science)
Room 12: Rainforest Recipes (technology)
Room 14: The Vikings (social studies)
Room 15: Cattle Street (novel)
Room 17: Biological Systems (science)
Room 18: New Lanark- transition topic (social studies)
As always, please talk to your child about this work. Your encouragement and support of their learning at school cannot be underestimated!
When we all try our very best everyone can achieve success!
Health Matters
It is very important that all children drink enough water throughout the school day. Access is provided to water coolers for children to use. Please encourage your child to stay hydrated as this also aids the learning process too! Nursery to P3 children will have fluoride varnish applied to their teeth on 14th May.
Supporting Good Causes
A pupil in P5 has asked the school to support her to raise money for Cancer Research. Please note that the children have decided to dedicate a non-uniform day on Friday 4th May to this very worthwhile cause. As always your donation of £1 is appreciated. Thank you!
Safety Matters
Please continue to help us to keep our children safe and protected.
I urge you to use the car park located at the end of School Road to drop off or collect your child from school. Please continue to remind your child about the importance of wearing their seatbelt to travel on our school buses. It is also essential that your child remains in his or her seat at all times whilst on board our school buses. Thank you for all your help!
Some key dates for your diary:
3rd May- school closed for inservice day
5th May- Parent Council – Bag packing at Asda Newmains (12-4pm)
7th May- school closed for holiday
9th May- Football Tournament (girls)
18th May- Football Tournament (boys) Parent Council Bingo/Disco (£5)
22nd May- New P1 children to school at 1.15pm
30th May- P4-P7 Jubilee Sports/Royal Tea
31st May- Nursery to P3 Jubilee Sports/Royal Tea
1st-5th June inclusive- School closed for holiday
12th June- Performance of Mr Sister Act at 1.30pm (£2)
13th June- Performance of Mr Sister Act at 9.30am (£2)
Teddy Bears Picnic for new P1 children at 1.15pm
14th June- New P1 children invited to experience lunch at 1150am
15th June- Reports issued to parents/New P1 to experience school lunch at 11.50
20th June- R11 & R12- Strathclyde Park (£7)
21st June- R14 & R15- Glasgow Science Centre (£7)
25th June- R4 & R9- Kittochside Farm & Museum (£3)
26th June- R17 & R18- Tour of Glasgow (£7)
27th June- Summer Service at Coltness Memorial Church at 10am
Performance of ‘Pitch Perfect the Musical’
28th- June- School closes at 1pm
* Please note the school has tried to reduce costs as far as possible by contributing towards the payment of transport from our School Fund. Please note that school will also meet the cost of the performance of ‘Pitch Perfect’. Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Head Teacher
19th April 2012
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you and your family enjoyed the Spring Break. We are now in the final term of this session. Almost all (90%+) attended our Parental Consultations last month to find out about their child’s learning and progress. I am very grateful to you for your continued support of all that we do in our school.
Learning Matters- Reporting
In line with Curriculum for Excellence, we have made changes to the way we report on your child’s progress. Our school will be using a reporting format in line with advice from North Lanarkshire Council. You should receive your child’s report for this session in June. Our Primary 7 children will also be compiling a Profile for their transition to High School. As you are aware from our parental consultations, we are also piloting ‘Pupil Learning Stories’ in all classes. We will be in touch soon to gather feedback from you.
Pupil Voice
Our Pupil Council conducted a survey about the colour of our school uniforms. The results indicate that children in Primaries 1 to 6 would prefer to wear GREY as their choice of colour. Our Primary 7 children would continue to wear BLACK. It is our intention to introduce GREY as the colour of choice next session.
Health Matters
Please support us to encourage your child to make sensible choices about what they eat and drink at school. Fizzy drinks and sweets attack your child’s teeth and is a major factor in tooth decay. Childsmile returns are due by Friday 4th May
Please also discourage your child from drinking high energy or sports performance drinks. All children have access to fresh drinking water on a regular basis.
A Children’s Fun Run (1k) has been organised for Sunday 13th May at Drumpeiller Park, Coatbridge for pupils in P5-P7. Please contact the School Office for a form if you would like your child to take part.
Child Protection Matters
As you are no doubt aware, it is my job to ensure our children and young people are safe and protected from harm. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that some children have been using mobile phones inappropriately or posting comments on social networking (such as Facebook) sites about our school. Please can you support the school by adhering to our Mobile Phone Policy (contact school office if you wish a copy) and by ensuring your child’s access to modern technology is closely monitored at home.
Attendance Matters
Regular attendance at school is vital for your child to make good progress. Scottish Government set 98% as the target.
Our attendance for week ending 30th March was as follows:
In P1 almost all pupils attended- (92%)
In P2 almost all pupils attended- (94%)
In P3 almost all pupils attended- (90%).
In P4 almost all pupils attended (93%).
In P5 almost all pupils attended (97%).
In P6 almost all pupils attended (98%)
In P7 ALL pupils attended. (100%).
Our current performance is 95%.
School Bus
Please remember to apply for a Privilege Pass for Session 2012/13. An Application form should be in your child’s school bag.
Spring Service Collection
Our Church collection (£124.10) will be donated to Cancer Research.
Parental Support Matters
I would like to thank those parents and volunteers who play an active role in supporting our school to provide the best service we can for our children. Parents have recently supported us with our Book Fair and this allowed each class to spend an additional £27 for their class libraries. Our Parent Council also organise Discos and various events to raise money for our funds. We need your continued support!
Parent Council Events- Can you help?
Our Parent Council has organised a bag packing fundraiser at ASDA Newmains on Saturday 5th May between 12-4pm. If you are able to help, please contact our school office and we will pass your details to Mrs Walker.
They are also holding a Prize Bingo and Disco on Friday 18th May at Newmains Bowling Green. Tickets are available from our School Office and cost £5. This includes a pie and 2 flyers.
The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Tuesday 8th May at 6.30pm. Please do come along and join us.
New Intake of P1- August 2012
Our new Primary 1 children are invited to the school on Tuesday 22nd May at 1.15pm to join our current Primary 1 children for a lesson Mrs Maguire will provide you with more information at a meeting for parents on Wednesday 29th May at 10.45am in the school.
Please let the office know if you have moved house or changed phone number- thank you!
In-service Day- Thursday 3rd May.
Holidays: We are closed on Monday 7th May.
We are closed on Friday 1st June and Monday 4th June.
The school will also be closed on Tuesday 5th June for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Thank you for supporting all that we do.
Yours sincerely,
Head Teacher
Please note school meals are subject to new charges. The costs are as follows:
Milk 200ml carton 10p
Pure Juice from 40p
Snack meal (including vegetable garnish) £1.05
Starter/Dessert course 50p
Traditional Two Course Meal £1.75
Soup or Starter/Hod or cold dessert 50p
Main course, vegetables and potato portion £1.25
Head Teacher