A Christmas Celebration

Well, what a fantastic Nativity we had. We all did so well, remembering what we had to do and all the words for our songs. We didn’t have a lot of practise but we were fabulous!! All the parents and carers gave us lots of applause and they looked really pleased watching our performance!!

This will be our last blog of the year so P2/3 wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Remember boys and girls, early to bed on Christmas Eve please!!! HO, HO, HO

love Santa


5 thoughts on “A Christmas Celebration”

  1. to primary 2/3 your nativity play was super but my mum
    could not make it because she was at work i know you have
    been working very hard it made me so happy when i saw you
    were working as a team you were all brilliant at your part
    and i hope you all had fun and all the visitors enjoyed it
    too and have you had fun in the snow did you build a snowman when the snow was deep like i did?

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