Tag Archives: Social Enterprise

Understanding Social Enterprise Workshop

16 Enterprise Coordinators from North Lanarkshire attended the first Understanding Social Enterprise Workshop in Motherwell Heritage Centre last Friday.  The day was presented by Social Entrepreneur Jay Lamb.

Jay’s 27 years in educational settings has included working as an Outdoor Activity Instructor, Environmental Educator, Community Educator, Social Enterprise Advisor and Tutor with the Social Enterprise Academy.

His career has involved a pattern of: having a new experience, learning from that experience and then engaging others in learning about the subject it involved – be that, juggling, sustainable building, canal life, or setting up and developing a social enterprise the cycle has been the same.

Social Enterprise projects in schools deliver skills for Life, Learning and Work in a real-life context.  Students are given a real flavour of the world of work and how businesses can make a real difference to communities.

If you would be interested in attending the next workshop, please contact Lynn Taylor on First Class.

St Nicholas’ Primary Food for Thought Cafe

Claire Kane, Carla Watson and Simon Kelly from St Nicholas’ Primary School, Broxburn, West Lothian came along to our well attended Primary Business Meeting for Enterprise on Friday 28th October.

They talked about their award winning approach to Social Enterprise that has been running in the school over the past year in order to give North Lanarkshire staff a flavour of how to organise and develop a Social Enterprise approach.

For more information on the cafe click here

Social Enterprise Academy Information

We are very fortunate to have Claire Fraser and Bert McGlone from the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy coming along to our next Primary Business meeting on the 28th October.  To find out more information please check out their brilliant website and blog.

We’ll be hosting a Understanding Social Enterprise Workshop on the 25th November.  It is funded by the Scottish Government – more details to follow.  If you’re interested please email Lynn.
