Tag Archives: secondary

Social Enterprise Academy Information

We are very fortunate to have Claire Fraser and Bert McGlone from the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy coming along to our next Primary Business meeting on the 28th October.  To find out more information please check out their brilliant website and blog.

We’ll be hosting a Understanding Social Enterprise Workshop on the 25th November.  It is funded by the Scottish Government – more details to follow.  If you’re interested please email Lynn.


How do you…?

Hi Everyone.

I’ve been getting quite a few enquires from new Enterprise Coordinators asking for suggestions as how to organise the pupils to ensure they have a say in the Enterprise activities within their school.

How does your establishment do this?  Do you have a stand-alone Enterprise Leadership Team or is Enterprise covered within your Pupil Council.  Have you  had any particular problems or successes you’d like to pass on?

It would be really interesting to hear your views.  Please leave a reply at the end of this post (by clicking on the ‘response’ part next to the speech bubbles at the top right-hand-side of this post) to briefly outline what you do/are planning to do this session.

This sharing of practice would be of great benefit to all – Thank you!

Dragons’ Lair

Many S4 to S6 teams around North Lanarkshire will be busy preparing their business plans for this year’s Dragons’ Lair event.

May we remind you that the closing date for applications is Monday 10th October.

Here are the brilliant prizes on offer:

Top Prize – a Sony Viao Laptop and Printer for each pupil in the team to take home and £1,000 for the school

Second Prize – an Amazon Kindle for each pupil in the team to take home and £500 for the school

Third Prize – a £50 Amazon voucher for pupil child in the team

All of the children participating in the final will be presented with certificates on the day.

If your establishment is taking part, it is worth taking into account the timetable below, as there is a very short turnaround time between submissions and the notification of successful teams.

·    Monday 10th October – Closing date for applications

·    Tuesday 11th October – Scoring of applications, the top 6 will be selected to participate in the finals

·    Wednesday 12th October – Gillian Timmons from North Lanarkshire’s Regeneration and Infrastructure Business Team will contact successful schools and arrange a visit for the next day

·    Thursday 13th October – Gillian Timmons will visit teams in their own establishments and share useful hints and tips to aid their preparation

·    Tuesday 25th October – Final at the Business Atrium Centre, Coatbridge 1300hrs to 1630hrs

The successful children will be able to bring one friend or family member to support them on the afternoon.  This is limited due to the audience capacity of the atrium.

For further information, please contact Jim Lawson or Lynn Taylor.

Young Enterprise Scotland


Young Enterprise Scotland (YES) work with young people between 5 and 25 to give them business skills to reach their full potential.  This year YES are holding a beginning of year event on Wednesday 28th September between 1630hrs and 1730hrs in the offices of Document Outsourcing:

Document Outsourcing Ltd
Document House
Phoenix Crescent
Strathclyde Business Park

All who have been involved in YES in the past, or who would link to find out more are welcome to the event.  Please contact Jim Lawson or Lynn Taylor to register your interest.
If you already participate in YES and have a business adviser could you please get in touch and let us know who they are and provide us with updated contact details for our records.  Thanks.