Education Scotland has made video clips available to download on a whole host of topics. We especially like the World of Work clips where people talk about various jobs and what they entail.
Click on the pic for more information.
We are very fortunate to have Claire Fraser and Bert McGlone from the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy coming along to our next Primary Business meeting on the 28th October. To find out more information please check out their brilliant website and blog.
We’ll be hosting a Understanding Social Enterprise Workshop on the 25th November. It is funded by the Scottish Government – more details to follow. If you’re interested please email Lynn.
Hi Everyone.
I’ve been getting quite a few enquires from new Enterprise Coordinators asking for suggestions as how to organise the pupils to ensure they have a say in the Enterprise activities within their school.
How does your establishment do this? Do you have a stand-alone Enterprise Leadership Team or is Enterprise covered within your Pupil Council. Have you had any particular problems or successes you’d like to pass on?
It would be really interesting to hear your views. Please leave a reply at the end of this post (by clicking on the ‘response’ part next to the speech bubbles at the top right-hand-side of this post) to briefly outline what you do/are planning to do this session.
This sharing of practice would be of great benefit to all – Thank you!
GO-XL! Will launch in Committee Room 1 in Kildonan Street on Tuesday 27th September between 0900hrs and 1115hrs. Many schools have already expressed their interest to be involved. If your school would like to participate in this event please contact Jim Lawson as soon as possible.
Enterprise Coordinators and representatives from the schools involved who will be working with the pupils are most welcome, as are representatives from associated cluster primaries. Time will be given during the morning for clusters to get together and organise their arrangements.
The programme for the morning is as follows:
0930hrs – Registration and Welcome
0940hrs – Project Background
1000hrs – Project Arrangements
1020hrs – Break
1040hrs – Cluster Arrangements
1115hrs – Close
For any more information please email either Jim Lawson or Lynn Taylor.
You will be aware that in recent years we have successfully linked with Foundry Music Lab in Wishaw to produce Project X.
The new project will be run along similar lines to Project X but with a major difference.
Whereas in the past the invitation to take part was restricted to Secondary/ASN establishments, this time it is intended to ask Secondary and Primary schools to work together in clusters thus making it cross sectoral as well as cross curricular. There will be a place set aside each year for ASN Establishments.
As we hope to be able to run this for the next 2 sessions we are restricting this session’s invitation to those schools in the south of the authority i.e. schools in the Motherwell, Wishaw and Bellshill areas. It is intended to invite those schools in the north i.e. Coatbridge, Airdrie and Cumbernauld to take part next session.
The proposal is that the management teams and bands will comprise secondary students only with a small group of primary pupils (maximum 12) joining the band to record 2 tracks for the CD/Download and perform at the launch gig in March 2012.
The timeline for the initiative is as follows:
Expressions of Interest to Jim Lawson by close of business on Friday 16 September to lawsonj @ northlan. gov. uk (remove spaces)
Launch in Committee Room 1, to be attended by Enterprise Co-ordinators, on Tuesday 27 September from 9.30 am until 11.30 am
Start of project meetings at Foundry Music Lab during the week beginning 10 October
Download Launch gig towards the end of March 2012, exact date and venue to be confirmed
If you have any queries about any of the above information please do not hesitate to contact Jim Lawson on 01236 812626 or Lynn Taylor through First Class email.
Brand New to Enterprise this session is Rock Challenge. This is not linked in any way to either Project X or its successor Go XL.
To see information click here.
If you are interested in participating in this challenge please email Jim Lawson at NLC UG – you’ll find this in First Class.
Jim has added an edited version of the PDF file on the Rock Challenge to the North Lanarkshire Enterprise Glow Group for further brief background information. You’ll find the documents at the bottom of the Enterprise Glow group home page.