Tag Archives: primary
April 2012 Business Meetings
Hi All –
Hope you had a great Easter Break. Please note the times and dates for this month’s Enterprise Business Meetings.
North Clusters :
Tuesday 17th April – 9.30 to 12.30 – Gartlea Community Centre, Airdrie : Fully Booked – although we have had a couple of apologies. Please email for details.
(For the Abronhill, Airdrie, Caldervale, Chryston, Cumbernauld, Greenfaulds, Kilsyth, OLHS Cumbernauld, St Margaret’s and St Maurice’s clusters)
Central Clusters :
Thursday 19th April – 9.30 to 12.30 – Gartlea Community Centre, Airdrie : Places Available – please email for more info
(For the Bellshill, Brannock, Cardinal Newman, Coatbridge, St Ambrose, St Andrew’s and Taylor clusters)
South Clusters :
Thursday 26th April – 9.30 to 12.30 – Coatbridge Community Centre, St Andrew’s Campus : Places Available – please email for more info
(For the Braidhurst, Calderhead, Clyde Valley, Coltness, Dalziel, OLHS Motherwell and St Aidan’s clusters)
If you have any problems booking, or have any questions to ask about the meetings, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Lynn Taylor
Micro-Tyco in the News
An article from this week’s TESS on the success of Micro-Tyco in South Lanarkshire
Micro-Tyco South Lanarkshire’s Experience
Micro Tyco
Interested? Let us know!
Exemplification Videos for Building The Curriculum 4
Here’s a link to the first clip that was played at the Enterprise in Education January 2012 Business meetings…
Happy New Year!
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.
John Wayne
Wishing you all the very, very best for 2012 ; )
Pupil Enterprise Showcase
We now have a new Enterprise Showcase Blog. This Blog will act as a vehicle for pupils to share the Enterprising work they are doing to develop their skills for Life, Learning and Work.
If you would like your school to feature on the showcase, please email Lynn Taylor on First Class.
The Blog currently sits in Glow, so you’ll need your Glow login to access the site. www.bit.ly/pupilenterprise
Heard of Micro-Tyco?
Micro-Tyco: Is your heart pounding?
Unfortunately it’s too late to join this year’s Micro-Tyco Challenge. But – it’s well worth finding out about with an eye to joining in next year. The WildHearts website is brilliant and has many clips, like the one from Sir Tom Hunter featured here, that can be used as a stimulus with pupils. Mike Jackson who runs Micro-Tyco is an absolute inspiration.
Micro-Tyco is the exciting new concept from WildHearts. Its vision is nothing less than the ignition of the spirit of enterprise across our whole culture, from our leading corporates to our universities, secondary and primary schools, and even nurseries. It is an enterprise challenge that brings our whole society together, reconnects us to one another, to what really matters, and compels us to collectively raise the bar in what we believe is possible for ourselves and our culture.
It inspires our companies to excel and our children to believe, creates compassionate global citizens and will inspire the leaders our country deserves.
Micro-Tyco is the product of over ten years experience in enterprise education and entrepreneurial success and is designed to invigorate our companies, challenge the dependency culture and stimulate self-reliance and enterprise. It is fast, fun and furious, forcing contestants to break out of their limited self perceptions and comfort zones. Micro-Tyco inspires the spirit of enterprise in its purest form and rewards participants with the knowledge that in business, if they can succeed at Micro-Tyco, they can succeed at anything.
How does it work? Micro-Tyco will run every November. Teams ‘apply’ to WildHearts for ‘seed capital’; a micro-loan of £1. Once the clock starts on November 1st they have one month to turn it into as much money as possible. On November 30th the team with the most money wins. There are only two rules: teams cannot gamble and transactions must be legal.
Who can enter? School, colleges, universities, clubs and companies can enter teams to Micro-Tyco. Each team must have no more than 5 members but each organisation can enter as many teams as they wish. Companies compete against companies, schools against schools and Universities and Colleges against each other, with one winner from each group.
Companies are encouraged to partner with a local school. In this partnership the teams remain separate but become allies who collaborate to exchange knowledge, encouragement and pool resources. Business people will inspire children and be inspired in return. The learning process is further enhanced by online video mentoring from many of our business leaders who support the WildHearts vision.
The competition keeps you sharp, the deadline keeps the pressure on. Micro-Tyco does not care about your qualifications or where you are from. Its apparent simplicity is deceptive. The low value of the £1 loan entices you to get involved but then takes you on a journey where the challenge grows with the money. It is a seed that reveals your inner wealth and helps you discover talents you never knew you had. As the money grows, so will you.
The money created from Micro-Tyco will then be invested by WildHearts in micro-loans to help the world’s poorest people work their own way out of poverty with dignity and self respect. As a result participants will go from becoming dynamic wealth creators to global ethical investors. Micro-Tyco’s gift to you will be the knowledge that once you release your talents the whole world benefits.
Unfortunately it’s too late to join this year’s Micro Tyco Challenge. But – it’s well worth finding out about with an eye to joining in next year. The WildHearts website is brilliant and has many clips, like the one from Sir Tom Hunter featured here, that can be used as a stimulus with pupils. Mike Jackson who runs Micro Tyco is an inspiration.
Micro-Tyco: Invest in yourself, invest in your company, invest in our children, invest in our community.
For more information click here
It’s Global Entrepreneur Week!
Is your establishment planning anything for this week’s Global Entrepreneur focus? If you are, please tell us about it. We are designing a new Blog to showcase good Enterprise practice from around our Authority and we need your help. From ante-preschool to S6, we want to show and share good practice.
Please send any photos or clips to Lynn Taylor on First Class.