Hello… is there anyone out there?

Hello. Are you there? Please say hello if you are.

It would be great to know who you are, where you come from and what your experience/background in Enterprise is.

Are you brand new to this or an old hand?

Click on ‘comments‘ below – it should underline in blue.

Then complete the boxes. Don’t be thrown with the box for ‘URL’. You can leave it blank or pop in your school’s email address.

Don’t be shy. Please reassure us that we are not alone…

9 thoughts on “Hello… is there anyone out there?”

  1. Hello! I’ll kick this off, I’m Lynn – the new Curriculum for Excellence Support Teacher for Enterprise. I’m currently based in the Computer Centre, and will give you all contact details as soon as I can.

  2. It looks like I’m second Lynn! I’m Andrew and I am the new Enterprise Coordinator at Greenhill Primary School. I’m looking forward to working with the cluster!

  3. Hi Lynn. It’s great to have you for support. The new site looks fabulous. Well done! Look forward to working with you.

  4. Hi Lynn, good seeing you at the meeting this week. I am based in St Thomas’ Primary in Wishaw – the site looks great. It’ll be great to have a point of contact for the future.
    Kelly Anne

  5. Hi Lynn, I’m Rita Enterprise Coordinator for Kirk O’Shotts. I came to your Ziggy course and thoroughly enjoyed it we are using it in Primary One and Two just now. Really looking forward to working with you.

  6. Hi Lynn
    I am Catherine Poutney and i’m the Enterprise co-ordinator for Sacred Heart Primary. Looking forward to working on our next cluster showcase

  7. Hi, this is Irene Manley (currently logged in as Lynn). I am the Enterprise coordinator at Saint Gerard’s Primary in Bellshill. I am looking forward to their being a point of contact for us all this year!

  8. Hi Lynn, just new to this and trying to keep up to date with all the enterprise news. I am in St Michaels Primary in Moodiesburn.

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