Muir Street Primary

May 15, 2020
by Ms Hay

Friday 15th May

Good Morning Everyone and happy Friday! 😊 Another week of Home Learning is almost complete and we are all very proud of the hard work that is going on atΒ  home. Remember to check you Glow Email and Teams today … Continue reading

May 7, 2020
by Miss Mearns

Thursday 6th May

Good Morning boys and girls and happy Thursday! 😊 It’s another lovely day so try and get outside for some exercise or play. Try a couple of activities on your Home Learning Grids and log on to Studdy Ladder and Sumdog. … Continue reading

May 5, 2020
by Miss Early

Tuesday 5th May

Good Morning Everyone, We are ready for another day of home learning! Try a couple of activities from your home learning grid, login to Sumdog and get some exercise if you can. Your class teacher might have updates for you … Continue reading

Primary 6

May 1, 2020 by Miss Welsh | 0 comments

Good morning Primary 6. Happy Friday!

Thank you for keeping in touch and completing tasks. We love to keep in touch with you and have loved chatting on Teams πŸ™‚

We can’t believe it’s May already. We thought you could have a look at the calendar below. This is not school work – just an extra fun way to look after ourselves and each other in May!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Welsh and Miss Paterson

Good morning to all our Primary 6’s. We hope you have had the chance to watch our video that was uploaded on twitter and glow yesterday from all of the staff :).

We are missing you lots and love to keep in touch with you all. Thank you to those of you who have been updating us on their tasks and sending pictures on Glow, through email and Microsoft Teams.

It has been lovely to see people logging into sumdog and study ladder.Β If you need your login details for any of the online resources, please get in touch with us through Glow, email or twitter. Our email addresses are: and

Please click on this link to access this week’s Home Learning grid. Β  Β  Home Learning grid 27th April – 1st May

Microsoft Teams is a great way to communicate. Those people who have set it up are able to chat about their learning and send photos. It is fantastic and sends messages instantly πŸ™‚ Please see the video below if you are unsure how to set it up.

Take care, stay safe and keep in touch πŸ™‚

Miss Welsh and Miss Paterson x

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