Muir Street Primary

March 8, 2021
by Mrs Ruddy

Primary 7 Rooms 13 and 14

Good morning everyone.

Hope you have all had a great weekend.

At last… the final week of Home Learning. You have all worked so hard and we are very proud of you. We are really looking forward to seeing you all in school next Monday.

The learning grid is below and the resources and gridΒ  are all in the Class Materials section in Teams as usual.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Have a great day!

Final Home learning Grid 8.3. 21

March 8, 2021
by Miss Shanks

Primary 5

Good morning boys and girls 🌀

I can’t believe we have reached the last week of home learning πŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‰Β  You have all worked so hard over these past few weeks and should be so proud of what you have achieved πŸ†πŸŒŸ We are SO excited to see you all soon and be back together again in the classroom πŸ“š

Let’s push through this final week of home learning and make it the best one yet πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Here are your learning grids for this week;

Room 8 Home Learning Grid

Room 9 Home Learning Grid

You will find all the resources you need on Teams and Seesaw. Remember we are only a message away if you need any support with your tasks πŸ’ŒToday is also International Women’s Day πŸ’œ if you get the chance, explore the Virtual Library and you can also try out some of these activities based on the campaign ✨

International Women’s Day Virtual Library

International Women’s Day Activities

We hope you have a wonderful week, see you all soon! 🌷🌈

Miss Shanks✨

March 7, 2021
by Mrs Doyle

Room 7 Monday 8th of March

Hello boys and girls ,

Woohoo πŸŽ‰, we’ve reached the final week of online learning πŸ₯³.

You should be so incredibly proud of yourselves and all your hard work πŸ‘. Of course this wouldn’t be possible without the support of the people helping you at home πŸ’›.

I can’t wait to see you all next Monday 😁😁.

In the meantime here is our final grid πŸ™Œ. As always any questions just ask .

Week 9


March 4, 2021
by Miss Shanks

World Book Day!

Happy World Book Day everyone! πŸ˜ƒπŸ“š


We celebrate the joy of reading every day, however today is even more special. This years World Book Day these is all about ‘Sharing a Story’ and there are lots of ways you can get involved. You could read to a younger sibling or a family member. You could video call someone you haven’t seen in a while to read them part of your favourite book. You could even record a short video to send to your teacher or classmates. However you choose to get involved today, we hope you have fun πŸ“–

Don’t worry if you don’t have any new books available, here are some digital libraries that you can explore from home. Click on each book to explore. There is one for everyone and we’re sure you’ll love them πŸ’—

Whole School Digital Library

P1-2 Digital Library

P3-4 Digital Library

P5-7 Digital Library


If you do get the chance to do some reading today, and maybe finish all of your tasks. Here are some fun World Book Day activities to try too.

World Book Day Activities

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy your day πŸ“šπŸŒŸ

March 3, 2021
by Mrs Nielsen

Arrangements for the return of P4 – 7

Following on from the First Minister’s announcement yesterday, North Lanarkshire Council are working on the details around the Part Time return to classrooms for all secondary school pupils and Full Time return for all primary school children. They will be in touch with staff, parents/carers & pupils as soon as they have more information.

I will also update you on upcoming arrangements.

Stay safe and take care.

Mrs Nielsen

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