Good morning boys
Happy Friday!:) Well we made it to the Easter Holidays!
So today I would like you to spend some time catching up on any activities you didn’t get a chance to complete.
After that choose one of these lovely Easter themed activities :
Watch one of these lovely Easter movies
- The Easter Bunny Comes to Town –
- The First Easter Bunny –
- Make a beautiful rainbow using any craft materials you have at home. Make it as big as you can a put it on a window at home facing outwards. It will make people smile as they walk by. 🙂
Over the Easter Break the school is going to publish 2 Easter Home Learning Grids with lots of suggestions for fun things to do to keep you entertained and smiling. 🙂
Enjoy the Easter holidays boys – don’t eat too many chocolate eggs!:)
I miss seeing your smiles every day, but it makes me happy knowing you’re safe at home.
Take care and look after each other at home.
Mrs McQuiston
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