Hello lovely my boys and girls,
I hope you are doing ok – I am really missing you all and hope you are you families are keeping well.
Sorry I missed you all last week, my daughter was unwell and my family have had to stay at home and are still here. She is on the mend and we are doing some home school work too.
You were all issued a ‘Home Learning Plan’ in-case the time came that we all had to stay off school. We discussed all the different activities when they were issued.
So just a reminder. You all have details for :
Sumdog, Studyladder and Espresso through Discovery Education.
You all also should have been given booklets to continue to practise your Times Tables- x2/x3/x4/x5/x10- you are all doing so well and improving your speedy recall, so keep practising!
You have a booklet to learn about Aspects of Measure which has some nice ideas. I’ll add more Studyladder Resources for this next week.
Remember there are lots of great free games on Topmarks including The Mental Maths Train which we use to practise our mental agility- lots of different settings for the four operations- addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. We have yet to cover division but that doesn’t need to stop you giving yourself a challenge.
Remember Storylineonline is good for stories and there are lots in Espresso too!
I hope you find included additional ideas from NLC’s Literacy and Maths & Numeracy Activities.
Remember to keep fit too,if you can, and try some Just Dance or Joe Wicks workouts on Youtube.
For relaxation ZenDen is also available for free on Youtube and there are lots of nice children’s bedtime meditation programmes too.
These are all just ideas and will work differently for different families. I am sure you are all on your best behaviour for your parents/carers- keep being good.
Mrs Brown