4 thoughts on “Dividing by 10, 100, 1000”

  1. To divide by 10 you take one 0 of and would make the number smaller eg: 40-divide 10=4.

    To divide by hundred you take two 0 off eg : 1200- divide 100 =12

    To divide 1000 you would take three 0 off eg 13000 divide 1000 =13

  2. To divide by ten you would move the number to the right once and takeaway a zero.
    To divide by one hundred you move the number to the right twice and takeaway two zeros.
    To divide by one thousand you move the number to the right three times and takeaway three zeros

  3. to divide by 10 you would need to take away the zero at the right-hand side example. 443560 -. 10 =44356

    to divide by the hundred you would need to take away 20s example.34500:-100 =345

    to divide by the thousand you need to take away 30s example245000;-1000=245

  4. good work everyone, I hope this was easy for you guys!!!
    and also keep up the GOOD work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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