MSP Visit

Primary 6 were visited today be Elaine Smith MSP to congratulate them on the fantastic letters they send to her after their visit to the Scottish Parliament. She highly commended them on their writing skills and their conduct during their visit. 3 children were awarded a prize for effort as well as everyone recieving a personalised letter of thanks.

A year of ‘Fun’ Fundraising

The Fundraising Committee have worked tirelessly this year to raise funds for Kirkshaws Primary School and Nursery Class. The list of event and activities is almost endless but they include, Hallowe’en Disco, Coffee Mornings, Christmas and Easter raffles, Family Fun Night and The Summer Fete.

Their contributions have made a real difference to the opportunities our children have been given at Kirkshaws this year including – Paying for Christmas and graduation gifts for all of the nursery children, providing tea and cakes at the graduations,P7 Leavers gift, P7 Bowling trip as well as subsidising nursery and whole school trips ( the reason our cinema outing only cost £1!!)

A massive thank you and congratulations from everyone  in the Kirkshaws family for the effort  and time given. We look forward to supporting you all again next year.

Nursery Graduations

The Nursery will be celebrating their Graduations on Monday the 25th of June at 10am for the morning children and 1.30pm for their afternoon children. They have some songs prepared as well as a little part organised. The children will also recieve certificates, a photo graph in their gowns as well as a gift supplied by Kirkshaws Primary School and Nursery Class Fundraisers. Mums, dads, grans and grandads are welcome to join us for some tea and cakes also supplied by the fundraisers after the graduation is over. Check out the Nursery blog soon for photographs.

School Holidays Begin

Kirkshaws Primary School and Nursery Class will close up for the summer holidays on Thursday the 28th of June at 1pm. We have had a wonderful year full of success and look forward to  a great session starting in August. The school will re-open on Thursday the 16th of August at 9am for returning pupils and 9.30 for out new primary 1’s.

May we take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support over this last session. Have a safe and happy holiday.


The Kirkshaws Primary  School and Nursery Staff

Assembly Sell-out

Our end of year assemblies will take place on Tuesday the 26th of June at 11am and Wednesday the 27th of June at 2pm. Both assemblies have been sold out and we are afraid there will be no facility to pay at the door, this is due to health and safety regulations. We look forward to welcoming you to celebrate the end of a wonderful year.

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