A day to remember

This week saw everyone heading out to the Lion King and Wizard of Oz. Primary One pupils loved their visit to Motherwell Civic Theatre – we even saw Max on the stage during the show. A great visit for their first out of school activity.
For the rest of us the journey to Edinburgh Playhouse was outstanding. The breathtaking spectacle of the Lion King had everyone on the edge of their seats and everyone was mesmerised by the show. All of the children were outstanding in their behaviour and this was commented to us by several members of the public. We are very proud of them as ever! A theatre experience that will stay with all of the children for a very long time. Thank goodness we went on Wednesday and not Thursday as we would have had to consider the safety of everyone had it been that day.
Back to this week and, of course, we have our shows – I hope that you are all looking forward to seeing these performances. The children have put such a lot of work into this they are eager to now show you how good they are.
Please remember that lunch on Tuesday is 11:45 – 12:30 to let us get ready for the shows.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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