We are in the Season of Lent

Well done Room Five for a super assembly today!  Do unto Otters is a message that was delivered for the whole school in a beautiful way.  It told all of the children about the importance of being a good friend and we couldn’t have asked for this message to have been delivered in a better way!  Brilliant Room Five.

There has been great excitement this week in Room Six as they eagerly await the arrival of their living eggs.  They are the class responsible this year for ensuring these little chicks hatch safely and we are hopeful that we can get all of them hatched very quickly.  We will, of course, keep you up to date with progress via our webcam – keep watching.  Primary Three get to name all the chicks and they are responsible for feeding and looking after them.

Meanwhile in Primary Four the trout eggs are making great progress in the hatchery!  Primary Four are extremely knowledgeable about the life cycle of these fish. Check out their blog for further information.  This week they also  had a lovely day at Newmains Pastoral Centre.  They were commended for their behaviour and they enjoyed spending the whole day focusing on their First Holy Communion.

All classes have been involved in Financial Education over the past two weeks – they have been learning about money in a real life context. Lots of buying and selling has enabled them to understand profit and loss and Primary Seven pupils have been bankers for the whole school – their interest rate is very poor at 0.1 per cent!!! They will be reporting their overall figures to us shortly.

Well done to Primary Six pupils who spoke at St. Aidan’s Parish on Catholic Education Sunday.  All parishioners commented on how eloquent the children were.  Thank you to the children who also came along to give out the leaflets outlining the work we do in school for the Pope Francis Faith Award.

Now that we are in the season of Lent it is heartening to see the children attending 8:20 Mass in the morning.  Please encourage your child to come along to this Mass if possible.

During the Lenten season the children will be fundraising for our annual charitable donation.  We will let you know soon what the activities are going to be.

Primary Seven are off to Kilbowie a week on Monday – please remember to send in their £6 pocket money and if you are still to pay your final balance this should be paid by Wednesday of this week.  We are hoping for sunshine all the way for them!!! I know that they will have a great time.  Miss Lewis, Miss Ramage and Mr McKenna will be joining them and I would like to thank them too for giving up their week to enable the children to participate in their outdoor week.

On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we are welcoming special visitors into our school.  Mr Sharpe our Quality Improvement Officer will be visiting along with Mrs Hunter from St. Ignatius PS and Mrs Peters from Cambusnethan PS.  They will be visiting classes to see the work of the pupils.  We know that they will be very impressed with all of the work that is being done.

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