Advent – we are getting prepared

We are delighted to announce that Caitlin Shear in Primary Six is the winner of the Sunday Mail Front Page competition. Caitlin’s referendum report has now been published and is available to view within the school. A great achievement for Caitlin also well done to the runners up. Brendan from the Sunday Mail was very impressed with all submissions and we are very grateful for their support.
As we come into Advent we will now be starting our Mondays with our usual Advent service. Primary 4/5 will lead us in the first week, as usual we are very much looking forward to the Christmas season.
We have also been asked to be in Phase Two of the Pope Francis Faith Award programme and our Primary Six pupils will be enrolled into this at 10:00 Mass on Monday 8th December all parents and family are invited to join us for this special Mass.
If your son or daughter is in Primary One – watch out they are going all out to have their very own Christmas Fayre – more news to follow on this shortly.
We are all off to the pantomime next Tuesday to see Cinderella at Motherwell Civic Theatre – infant pupils will attend the morning performance and the rest of the school will go to the afternoon. We have heard that it is great fun. Please remember that the afternoon children will not be back until 4:20 and need to be collected from school.
Our Primary Five children begin their swimming block this coming week. I know that, as ever, their behaviour will be exemplary and I am looking forward to hearing great reports of their progress from Wishaw Baths.
As we come into December we will be getting into the Christmas Spirit. Our infant show ‘Jesus’ Christmas Party’ is in full rehearsal mode and sounding great – tickets go on sale from the school on Monday priced at £2.50. The children will perform this on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th December at 1:30 I do hope you can come along and enjoy the fun.
Our nursery singalong will be held on 12th December and they are sounding great too.
Our annual joint carol service with Calderbridge Primary School will be held in St. Mark’s Church this year on Monday 22nd December at 1:30. All members of the community are invited to attend this special joint service which will be led by Primary Sevens from both schools.

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