A very important week for everyone!

I would like to begin this week by reminding you that our Curriculum Evening will be held on Wednesday 24th September at 7:00pm. We will begin the evening with an introduction to the new RE resource God’s Loving Plan. All parents will have an opportunity to see the DVD which will now be shown to all pupils in Primary Six and Seven. This covers all aspects of Sex Education with the context of our faith. Following on from this parents will be able to visit classes and see the resources that will be used throughout the year. This is an excellent chance for you to see what activities your son/daughter will be involved in throughout this year.
Rooms three, four and five have had great fun this week continuing with their Fairyland topic. Their artwork is looking really good and already lots of writing has emerged. Well done boys and girls.
Rooms six, nine and ten have been hugely involved in looking at the rights of the child and the need for rules within society. We are hoping that they will soon be able to present their finding at our school assembly soon.
Finally our senior pupils discussion and debate has in increased focus this week as we await the outcome of the referendum. They have shown a real maturity in discussion and they have seriously considered both sides of the argument.
If you have been in the school grounds recently you will have seen the great work done by a group of our parents. We are really grateful to them for transforming the front garden. We will now be working hard to ensure that our plans for our vegetable beds, berry and herb beds come to fruition. We are very fortunate to have secured a grant from Education Scotland to develop food technology within the school. I am delighted to tell you that we are having our kitchen refurbished and brought up to date, furthermore we will be able to purchase a range of induction hobbs to support the children’s cooking skills. Look out for budding chefs in the months ahead.

Please remember that the children do not attend school this Thursday as it is an Inset day for all pupils. We will reopen on Friday when the children will enjoy our first whole school Golden Time of this school year. Lots of new activities are on offer from all staff. We hope they enjoy their new choices.

Can I remind you that if you have not returned your data information sheet we need this back as soon as possible to keep our records up to date.

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